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Upper San Pedro
Geologic Map of Arizona
Dispersion of naturally occurring ions in groundwater from various rock types in a portion of the San Pedro River basin, Arizona
Wallace, D.E., and Cooper, L.R., 1970, Dispersion of naturally occurring ions in groundwater from various rock types in a portion of the San Pedro River basin, Arizona: Journal of Hydrology, v. 10, no. 4, p. 391-405.
Use of processed Landsat Thematic Mapper data to detect surface soil moisture over mountain pediments, southeastern Arizona
Skirvin, S.M., 1991, Use of processed Landsat Thematic Mapper data to detect surface soil moisture over mountain pediments, southeastern Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 57 p.
Mapping the distribution of wet soils through the use of reflectance modeling: Dragoon Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona
Realmuto, V.J., 1990, Mapping the distribution of wet soils through the use of reflectance modeling: Dragoon Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, Ph.D. dissertation, 167 p.
Preliminary hydrographic survey report for the San Pedro River watershed, Volume 1: General assessment, In re The general adjudication of the Gila River system and source
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Character of the ground-water resources of Arizona
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The chemical composition of representative Arizona waters
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Santa Cruz-San Pedro River basin, Arizona: Resource inventory
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Water resources: Part II of Mineral and water resources of Arizona
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Annual summary of ground-water conditions in Arizona, Spring 1981 to Spring 1982
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