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Paleoecology of Stanton's Cave, Grand Canyon, Arizona, in Euler, R.C., ed., The archaeology, geology, and paleobiology of Stanton's Cave, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
The pirated spring at Stanton's Cave
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Aerial discoveries in the Grand Canyon
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The bird bones from Stanton's Cave, in Euler, R.C., ed., The archaeology, geology, and paleobiology of Stanton's Cave, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
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Late Pleistocene plant communities in the lower Grand Canyon of Arizona [abs.]
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Shasta ground sloth extinction; fossil packrat midden evidence from the western Grand Canyon, in Martin, P.S., and Klein, R.G., eds., Quaternary extinctions; a prehistoric revolution
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Chronology of the late Pleistocene vegetation changes in the lower Grand Canyon, Arizona [abs.], in Abstracts of the Fifth Biennial meeting of the American Quaternary Association
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Chronology of late Pleistocene vegetation changes in the lower Grand Canyon, Arizona [abs.], in Luteyn, J.L., et al., eds., Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meetings of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated...
Phillips, A.M., III, 1977, Chronology of late Pleistocene vegetation changes in the lower Grand Canyon, Arizona [abs.], in Luteyn, J.L., et al., eds., Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meetings of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Michigan State University: Botanical Society of America, Miscellaneous Series Publication 154, p. 41.
Packrats, plants, and the Pleistocene in the lower Grand Canyon
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Packrats, plants, and the Pleistocene in the lower Grand Canyon of Arizona [abs.], in Andrews, J.T., and Berry, R.G., eds., Abstracts of the Fourth Biennial meeting of the American Quaternary Association
Phillips, A.M., III, 1976, Packrats, plants, and the Pleistocene in the lower Grand Canyon of Arizona [abs.], in Andrews, J.T., and Berry, R.G., eds., Abstracts of the Fourth Biennial meeting of the American Quaternary Association: American Quaternary Association, p. 70-71.