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Keywords Group
Geology of the Christmas quadrangle, Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona
Deer Creek coal field, White Mountain Indian Reservation, Arizona
Walcott, C.D., and Bannon, M., 1885, Deer Creek coal field, White Mountain Indian Reservation, Arizona: U.S. Congress, 48th, 2nd Session, Senate Executive Document 20, p. 2-7.
Soil erosion and sediment control on the reclaimed coal mime lands of semiarid Southwest, in White, L.M., ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 7
Verma, T.R., Thames, J.L., and Mills, J.E., 1977, Soil erosion and sediment control on the reclaimed coal mime lands of semiarid Southwest, in White, L.M., ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 7: American Water Resources Association, Arizona Section, and Arizona Academy of Science, Hydrology Section, Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nev., 1977, Proceedings, p. 41-47.
Strip mining and hydrologic environment on Black Mesa, in Thames, J.L., ed., Reclamation and use of disturbed land in the Southwest
Verma, T.R., 1977, Strip mining and hydrologic environment on Black Mesa, in Thames, J.L., ed., Reclamation and use of disturbed land in the Southwest: Tucson, University of Arizona Press, p. 161-166.
Coal deposits near Pinedale, Navajo County, Arizona, in Contributions to economic geology (Short papers and preliminary reports), 1909 - Part II.--Mineral fuels
Veatch, A.C., 1911, Coal deposits near Pinedale, Navajo County, Arizona, in Contributions to economic geology (Short papers and preliminary reports), 1909 - Part II.--Mineral fuels: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 431, p. 239-242.
Coal exploration concepts and practices in the western United States, Chap. 7, in Argall, G.O., Jr., ed., Coal exploration, v. 2, Proceedings of the second International Coal Exploration Symposium, Denver, Colo., USA, October 1978
Vaninetti, G.E., 1979, Coal exploration concepts and practices in the western United States, Chap. 7, in Argall, G.O., Jr., ed., Coal exploration, v. 2, Proceedings of the second International Coal Exploration Symposium, Denver, Colo., USA, October 1978: San Francisco, Miller Freeman Publications, p. 132-194.
Geology of Carrizo Valley, southern Apache County, Arizona
Underwood, J.R., Jr., 1956, Geology of Carrizo Valley, southern Apache County, Arizona: Austin, University of Texas, M.A. thesis, 154 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:30,000.
Mineral and water resources of Arizona
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Analyses of Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, and Oregon coals
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Geology of the Whetstone Mountain area, Cochise and Pima Counties, Arizona
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