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Dams and Reservoirs
Keywords Group
Topographic changes in fluvial terrace deposits used as campsite beaches along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon [abs.]
Erosion and deposition on Colorado River beaches in Grand Canyon, Arizona, resulting from the 1983 high water 'spill' [abs.]
Beus, S.S., 1984, Erosion and deposition on Colorado River beaches in Grand Canyon, Arizona, resulting from the 1983 high water 'spill' [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 4, p. 214.
Critical geologic features of the Hoover Dam site [abs.]
Berkey, C.P., 1932, Critical geologic features of the Hoover Dam site [abs.]: Science, new series, v. 75, p. 545-546.
Geohydrologic reconnaissance of Lake Mead National Recreation Area; Hoover Dam to Mt. Davis, Arizona
Bentley, C.B., 1979, Geohydrologic reconnaissance of Lake Mead National Recreation Area; Hoover Dam to Mt. Davis, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-0690, 38 p.
Geohydrologic reconnaissance of Lake Mead National Recreation Area; Mt. Davis to Davis Dam, Arizona
Bentley, C.B., 1979, Geohydrologic reconnaissance of Lake Mead National Recreation Area; Mt. Davis to Davis Dam, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-0691, 29 p.
Geohydrologic reconnaissance of Lake Mead National Recreation Area; Opal Mountain to Davis Dam, Nevada
Bentley, C.B., 1979, Geohydrologic reconnaissance of Lake Mead National Recreation Area; Opal Mountain to Davis Dam, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-0692, 36 p.
La diga di Boulder sul fiume Colorado
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Boulder Dam and its geographical setting
Barbour, G.B., 1935, Boulder Dam and its geographical setting: Geographical Journal, v. 86, p. 498-504.
Neogene paleostress changes in the Basin and Range: A case study at Hoover Dam, Nevada-Arizona
Angelier, Jacques, Colletta, Bernard, and Anderson, R.E., 1985, Neogene paleostress changes in the Basin and Range: A case study at Hoover Dam, Nevada-Arizona: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 96, no. 3, p. 347-361.