Strahler, A.N., 1940, Landslides of the Vermilion and Echo cliffs, northern Arizona: Journal of Geomorphology, v. 3, no. 4, p. 285-300.
Debris Flow
Keywords Group
Landslides of the Vermilion and Echo cliffs, northern Arizona
Landslides of the Vermilion and Echo Cliffs, Northern Arizona
Strahler, A.N., 1940, Landslides of the Vermilion and Echo Cliffs, Northern Arizona: New York, Columbia University, M.S. thesis.
Ep-Archean and Ep-Algonkian erosion surfaces, Grand Canyon, Arizona, in Adams, G.F., ed., Planation surfaces; peneplains, pediplains, and etchplains
Sharp, R.P., 1975, Ep-Archean and Ep-Algonkian erosion surfaces, Grand Canyon, Arizona, in Adams, G.F., ed., Planation surfaces; peneplains, pediplains, and etchplains: Stroudsburg, Pa., Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross, Inc., Benchmark Papers in Geology, v. 22, p. 110-115.
A Cambrian slide breccia, Grand Canyon, Arizona
Sharp, R.P., 1940, A Cambrian slide breccia, Grand Canyon, Arizona: American Journal of Science, v. 238, p. 668-672.
Ep-Archean and Ep-Algonkian erosion surfaces, Grand Canyon, Arizona
Sharp, R.P., 1940, Ep-Archean and Ep-Algonkian erosion surfaces, Grand Canyon, Arizona: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 51, no. 8, p. 1235-1269.
Uranium-trend ages of surficial deposits in the central Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona [abs.]
Rosholt, J.N., Downs, W.R., O'Malley, P.A., and Stevens, Larry, 1986, Uranium-trend ages of surficial deposits in the central Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 5, p. 408.
Provenance and genesis of the Mesquite Flat breccia, Superstition Volcanic Field, Arizona
Rettenmaier, K.A., 1984, Provenance and genesis of the Mesquite Flat breccia, Superstition Volcanic Field, Arizona: Tempe, Arizona State University, M.S. thesis, 174 p., 2 sheets.
Geologic hazards in a portion of East Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona
Reid, R.E., 1975, Geologic hazards in a portion of East Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona: Flagstaff, Northern Arizona University, M.S. thesis, 120 p., 7 sheets, scale 1:12,000.
Preliminary map of selected mass-movement events in Arizona
Realmuto, V.J., 1985, Preliminary map of selected mass-movement events in Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 85-16, 9 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
Slope form and stability in the northwest portion of the Mount Lemmon quadrangle, Pima County
Murphy, B.J., 1976, Slope form and stability in the northwest portion of the Mount Lemmon quadrangle, Pima County: Arizona Bureau of Mines Fieldnotes, v. 6, no. 2, p. 5-7, 10-14.