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Keywords Group
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Pre-Devonian unconformity, Gila County, Arizona
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Lithologic studies (Arizona-Utah, including Grand Canyon), in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits, semi-annual progress report, December 1, 1955 to May 31, 1956
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Devonian-Permian stratigraphy, in Nelson, C.A., ed., Grand Canyon
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Correlation of basal Permian and older rocks in southwestern Colorado, northwestern New Mexico, north-eastern Arizona, and southeastern Utah
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Triassic and older stratigraphy; southern Rocky Mountains and Colorado Plateau, in Sloss, L.L., ed., Sedimentary cover--North American craton - U.S.
Baars, D.L., 1988, Triassic and older stratigraphy; southern Rocky Mountains and Colorado Plateau, in Sloss, L.L., ed., Sedimentary cover--North American craton - U.S.: Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. D-2, p. 53-64.
Road log, with botanical notes by R.H. Hevly, in Ash, S.R., ed., Guidebook to Devonian, Permian and Triassic plant localities, east-central Arizona
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