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Keywords Group
K-Ar and F-T ages for syntectonic mid-Tertiary volcanosedimentary sequences associated with the Catalina core complex and San Pedro trough in southern Arizona
The geology of southwestern North American porphyry base metals deposits, in Hanshaw, P.M., ed., Sedimentation and tectonics of western North America, v. 2
Guilbert, J.M., 1989, The geology of southwestern North American porphyry base metals deposits, in Hanshaw, P.M., ed., Sedimentation and tectonics of western North America, v. 2: American Geophysical Union, International Geological Congress, 28th, Field Trip Guidebook T121, p. 75-82.
Tectonics of the eastern part of the Cordilleran orogenic belt, Chihuahua, New Mexico, and Arizona: Roadlog, in Hanshaw, P.M., ed., Sedimentation and tectonics of western North America, v. 2
Drewes, H.D., 1989, Tectonics of the eastern part of the Cordilleran orogenic belt, Chihuahua, New Mexico, and Arizona: Roadlog, in Hanshaw, P.M., ed., Sedimentation and tectonics of western North America, v. 2: American Geophysical Union, International Geological Congress, 28th, Field Trip Guidebook T121, p. 1-56.
In situ 10Be-26Al exposure ages at Meteor Crater, Arizona
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Petrology and geochemistry of lower crustal granulites from the Geronimo Volcanic Field, southeastern Arizona
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Deep-seated fluid involvement in ductile-brittle deformation and mineralization, South Mountains metamorphic core complex, Arizona
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Palaeomagnetic evidence for large-magnitude, low-angle normal faulting in a metamorphic core complex
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Facies analysis of an ancient, dismembered, large caldera complex and implications for intra-arc subsidence: Middle Jurassic strata of Cobre Ridge, southern Arizona, USA
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Geochemical and detrital mode evidence for two sources of Early Proterozoic sedimentary rocks from the Tonto Basin Supergroup, central Arizona
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Petrology, depositional environments and structural development of the Mineta Formation, Teran Basin, Cochise County, Arizona
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