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Keywords Group
Metamorphic and stratigraphic constraints on the evolution of the Santa Catalina metamorphic core complex, Arizona
Late Cretaceous paleomagnetism and clockwise rotation of the Silver Bell Mountains, south central Arizona
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An ash flow caldera in cross section: Ongoing field and geochemical studies of the mid-Tertiary Turkey Creek Caldera, Chiricahua Mountains, SE Arizona
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Paleomagnetism of Jurassic volcanic rocks in the Patagonia Mountains, southeastern Arizona: Implications for the North American 170 ma reference pole
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Early recumbent folding during Proterozoic orogeny in central Arizona, in Grambling, J.A., and Tewksbury, B.J., Proterozoic geology of the southern Rocky Mountains
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Supergene enriched fluidized breccia ore, Lavender open pit copper mine, Warren (Bisbee) Mining District, Cochise County, Arizona, in Hill, M.L., ed., Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America
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Paleozoic stratigraphic section in Dry Canyon, Whetstone Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona, in Hill, M.L., ed., Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America
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Kink folding in an extended terrane: Tortilla Mountains, southeastern Arizona
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The Chaparral shear zone: Deformation partitioning and heterogeneous bulk crustal shortening during Proterozoic orogeny in central Arizona
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U-Pb geochronologic constraints on the age of thrusting, crustal extension, and peraluminous plutonism in the Little Rincon Mountains, southern Arizona
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