Lowe, S., 1979, Arizona's own precious gem, the fire agate: Arizona Highways, v. 55, no. 3, p. 11-15.
Keywords Group
Arizona's own precious gem, the fire agate
Mining in Arizona, its past, its present, its future [1970 rev. ed.]
Knight, F.P., 1970, Mining in Arizona, its past, its present, its future [1970 rev. ed.]: Arizona Department of Mineral Resources, 52 p.
Mineral resources, Navajo-Hopi Reservations, Arizona-Utah, Volume II, Nonmetallic minerals - Geology, evaluation, and uses, with sections by J.W. Anthony, R.L. DuBois, P.W. Howell, J.C. Haff, W.D.Keller, H.E. Krumlauf, and R.L. Wilson
Kiersch, G.A., 1955, Mineral resources, Navajo-Hopi Reservations, Arizona-Utah, Volume II, Nonmetallic minerals - Geology, evaluation, and uses, with sections by J.W. Anthony, R.L. DuBois, P.W. Howell, J.C. Haff, W.D.Keller, H.E. Krumlauf, and R.L. Wilson: Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 105 p.
Field trip: Copper Creek quartz twins
Jones, B., 1979, Field trip: Copper Creek quartz twins: Rock and Gem Magazine, v. 9, p. 22-24.
A newly discovered turquoise mine of prehistory, Mohave County, Arizona
Johnston, B., 1964, A newly discovered turquoise mine of prehistory, Mohave County, Arizona: Kiva, v. 29, no. 3, p. 76-83.
Mine development at Mineral Park
Jancic, T., 1965, Mine development at Mineral Park: Mining Congress Journal, v. 51, no. 1, p. 40-44.
Some rare-earth mineral deposits in Mohave County, Arizona
Heinrich, E.W., 1960, Some rare-earth mineral deposits in Mohave County, Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin no. 167, 22 p.
Heineman, R.E., comp., 1941, Quartz: Arizona Bureau of Mines Circular no. 7, 2 p.
Mineral and gem localities in Arizona
Hammons, L., 1977, Mineral and gem localities in Arizona: Sedona, Arizona Maps and Books, 110 p.
Stratigraphy and sedimentary petrology of the Mesozoic rocks of the Waterman Mountains, Pima County, Arizona
Hall, D.L., 1985, Stratigraphy and sedimentary petrology of the Mesozoic rocks of the Waterman Mountains, Pima County, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. Thesis, 92 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:12,000.