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Keywords Group
Rare earth geochemistry of garnet lherzolite and megacrystalline nodules from minette of the Colorado Plateau province
Petrology and geochemistry of xenolith-bearing alkalic basalts from the Geronimo Volcanic Field, southeast Arizona; Evidence for polybaric fractionation and implications for mantle heterogeneity, in Morris, E.M., and Pasteris, J.D., eds....
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Compositional diversity in late Cenozoic mafic lavas in the Rio Grande rift and Basin and Range province, southern New Mexico
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Structure and geochemistry of the upper plate of the Saddle Mountain detachment, Lake Mead, Nevada
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Synextensional dioritic magmatism within and beneath metamorphic core complexes, southern Arizona and southeastern California: Integration of structural, petrologic, and seismic refraction data [abs.]
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Trace-element systematics of peraluminous leucogranites, Baboquivari Mountains chain, south-central Arizona [abs.]
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Jurassic Lake T'oo'dichi': A large alkaline, saline lake, Morrison Formation, eastern Colorado Plateau
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Distribution of heat-producing elements in two core complexes, southern Basin and Range Province: Quantitative restraints on regional thermal models [abs.]
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