Bryan, Kirk, 1975, Erosion and sedimentation in the Papago Country, Arizona with a sketch of the geology, in Adams, G.F., ed., Planation surfaces, peneplains, pediplains, and etchplains: Stroudsburg, Pa., Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Inc., Benchmark Papers in Geology, v. 22, p. 207-227.
Keywords Group
Erosion and sedimentation in the Papago Country, Arizona with a sketch of the geology, in Adams, G.F., ed., Planation surfaces, peneplains, pediplains, and etchplains
On the formation of fjords, canons, and benches
Brown, R., 1869, On the formation of fjords, canons, and benches: Royal Geographical Society Proceedings, v. 13, p. 144-149.
On the formation of fjords, canons, benches, prairies, and intermittent rivers
Brown, R., 1869, On the formation of fjords, canons, benches, prairies, and intermittent rivers: Royal Geographical Society Proceedings, v. 39, p. 121-131.
Day 4--September 8, in Schultz, C.B., and Smith, H.T.U., eds., Southwestern arid lands; INQUA, International Association for Quaternary Research, 7th Congress, Guidebook for Field Conference H
Breed, W.J., Danson, E.B., Johnsen, A.B., Johnsen, T.N., Jr., and Reed, E.K., 1965, Day 4--September 8, in Schultz, C.B., and Smith, H.T.U., eds., Southwestern arid lands; INQUA, International Association for Quaternary Research, 7th Congress, Guidebook for Field Conference H: Lincoln, Nebraska Academy of Sciences, p. 31-36.
Day 6--September 10, in Heindl, L.A., Anderson, R.Y., Davis, L.V., and Irwin, J.H., comp., Southwestern arid lands; INQUA, International Association for Quaternary Research, 7th Congress, Guidebook for Field Conference H
Breed, W.J., Cooley, M.E., Irwin, J.H., Johnsen, A.B., and Johnsen, T.N., Jr., 1965, Day 6--September 10, in Heindl, L.A., Anderson, R.Y., Davis, L.V., and Irwin, J.H., comp., Southwestern arid lands; INQUA, International Association for Quaternary Research, 7th Congress, Guidebook for Field Conference H: Lincoln, Nebraska Academy of Sciences, p. 39-42.
A Pliocene river channel in Wupatki National Monument, Arizona
Breed, W.J., 1969, A Pliocene river channel in Wupatki National Monument, Arizona: Arizona Academy of Science, Journal, v. 5, no. 3, p. 177-181.
Morphology and lineation of cinder cones in the San Francisco volcanic field, in Sutherland, D.H., ed., Contributions to the geology of northern Arizona; Memorial to Major Brady
Breed, W.J., 1964, Morphology and lineation of cinder cones in the San Francisco volcanic field, in Sutherland, D.H., ed., Contributions to the geology of northern Arizona; Memorial to Major Brady: Flagstaff, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin no. 40, p. 65-71.
A hypothesis on the age of the Colorado River [abs.]
Breed, C.S., 1966, A hypothesis on the age of the Colorado River [abs.]: Arizona Academy of Science, Journal, v. 4, p. 135-136.
Large-scale exfoliation in massive sandstones of the Colorado Plateau
Bradley, W.C., 1963, Large-scale exfoliation in massive sandstones of the Colorado Plateau: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 74, p. 519-528.
Quaternary geology of the northern Chuska Mountains and Red Rock Valley, northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico
Blagbrough, J.W., 1965, Quaternary geology of the northern Chuska Mountains and Red Rock Valley, northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico: Albuquerque, University of New Mexico, Ph.D. dissertation.