O'Day, C.M., 2004, Data from channel-change monitoring at selected sites in Maricopa County, Arizona, 1997-2002: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1230, 61p.
Keywords Group
Improved analysis of borehole ground penetrating radar to monitor transient water flow in the vadose zone
Characterization of sediment yield variation, Little Colorado River Basin near Saint Johns, Arizona
The effects of land use and regional hydrology on surface water quality in the Upper San Pedro River, AZ, USA
Groundwater flow model of the Lower San Pedro River for the conservation of riparian habitats
Water intake at the atmosphere-Earth interface in a fractured rock system near Patagonia, Arizona
Hydrograph synthesis from small arid-land watersheds
Data from channel-change monitoring at selected sites in Maricopa County, Arizona, 1997-2002
Prescott Active Management Area, 2002-2003 Hydrologic Monitoring Report
Arizona Department of Water Resources, Hydrology Division, 2003, Prescott Active Management Area, 2002-2003 Hydrologic Monitoring Report: Arizona Department of Water Resources Hydrologic Monitoring Report, 21 p.
Cosmogenic 3He ages and geochemical discrimination of lava-dam outburst-flood deposits in western Grand Canyon, Arizona, in House, P.K. and others, eds., Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Applications of Paleoflood Hydrology...
Fenton, C.R., Cerling, T.E., Nash, B.P., Webb, R.H., and Poreda, R.J., 2002, Cosmogenic 3He ages and geochemical discrimination of lava-dam outburst-flood deposits in western Grand Canyon, Arizona, in House, P.K. and others, eds., Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Applications of Paleoflood Hydrology, with accompanying CD-ROM compiled and designed by P. Kyle House and Larry Mayer: American Geophysical Union, Water Science and Application 5, p. 191-215.
Bias and information content of paleoflood data in flood-frequency analysis, in House, P.K. and others, eds., Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Applications of Paleoflood Hydrology, with accompanying CD-ROM compiled and...
Blainey, J.B., Webb, R.H., Moss, M.E., and Baker, V.R., 2002, Bias and information content of paleoflood data in flood-frequency analysis, in House, P.K. and others, eds., Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Applications of Paleoflood Hydrology, with accompanying CD-ROM compiled and designed by P. Kyle House and Larry Mayer: American Geophysical Union, Water Science and Application 5, p. 161-174.