Lang, J.R., Yin, G., and Eastoe, C.J., 1987, Oxygen isotope composition of sulfate in early stage veins, Mineral Park porphyry copper-molybdenum system, Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 7, p. 739.
Hydrothermal System
Keywords Group
Oxygen isotope composition of sulfate in early stage veins, Mineral Park porphyry copper-molybdenum system, Arizona [abs.]
Stable isotope studies of sulfates and sulfides in the Mineral Park porphyry Cu-Mo system, Arizona
Lang, J.R., Yin, G., and Eastoe, C.J., 1989, Stable isotope studies of sulfates and sulfides in the Mineral Park porphyry Cu-Mo system, Arizona: Economic Geology, v. 84, no. 3, p. 650-662.
Relationships between a porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, base and precious metal veins, and Laramide intrusions, Mineral Park, Arizona
Lang, J.R., and Eastoe, C.J., 1988, Relationships between a porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, base and precious metal veins, and Laramide intrusions, Mineral Park, Arizona: Economic Geology, v. 83, no. 3, p. 551-567.
A geochemical study of alteration and mineralization in the Wallapai mining district, Mohave County, Arizona
Lang, J.R., 1986, A geochemical study of alteration and mineralization in the Wallapai mining district, Mohave County, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 142 p.
Alkali-feldspars from ore and non-ore bearing parts of some intrusive porphyries (abs.)
Kuellmer, F.J., Carmen, J.H., and Renault, J.R., 1958, Alkali-feldspars from ore and non-ore bearing parts of some intrusive porphyries (abs.): Economic Geology, v. 53, no. 7, p. 931.
Compositional variation of alkali-feldspars in some intrusive rocks near Globe-Miami, Arizona
Kuellmer, F.J., 1960, Compositional variation of alkali-feldspars in some intrusive rocks near Globe-Miami, Arizona: Economic Geology, v. 55, no. 3, p. 557-562.
Geology of the Christmas porphyry copper deposit, Gila County, Arizona, in Titley, S.R., ed., Advances in geology of the porphyry copper deposits, southwestern North America
Koski, R.A., and Cook, D.S., 1982, Geology of the Christmas porphyry copper deposit, Gila County, Arizona, in Titley, S.R., ed., Advances in geology of the porphyry copper deposits, southwestern North America: Tucson, University of Arizona Press, p. 353-374.
Composition and geologic setting of stratiform manganese deposits in the southern Basin and Range Province, Arizona and Nevada, [abs.], in Schindler, K.S., ed., USGS research on mineral resources - 1989, Program and abstracts, Fifth...
Koski, R.A., Bouse, R.M., Hein, J.R., and DeRosa, M.L., 1988, Composition and geologic setting of stratiform manganese deposits in the southern Basin and Range Province, Arizona and Nevada, [abs.], in Schindler, K.S., ed., USGS research on mineral resources - 1989, Program and abstracts, Fifth annual V.E. McKelvey forum on mineral and energy resources: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1035, p. 41-42.
Alteration and mineralization associated with a multiphase stock at Christmas, Arizona [abs.]
Koski, R.A., and Cook, D.S., 1976, Alteration and mineralization associated with a multiphase stock at Christmas, Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 6, p. 962.
Geology and porphyry copper-type alteration-mineralization of igneous rocks at the Christmas mine, Gila County, Arizona
Koski, R.A., 1979, Geology and porphyry copper-type alteration-mineralization of igneous rocks at the Christmas mine, Gila County, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-0844, 196 p., 6 sheets, scale 1:4,800.