Asmerom, Yemane, Patchett, P.J., and Damon, P.E., 1991, Crust-mantle interaction in continental arcs: Inferences from the Mesozoic arc in the southwestern United States: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 107, no. 1, p. 124-134.
Isotope Geochemistry
Keywords Group
Crust-mantle interaction in continental arcs: Inferences from the Mesozoic arc in the southwestern United States
Stable isotopes of paleosol carbonates and fossil teeth as paleoecology and paleoclimate indicators: An example from the upper Cenozoic nonmarine sediments in the San Pedro Valley, Arizona, in Swart, P., Lohman, K.C., and MacKenzie, J.A....
Wang, Y., Cerling, T.E., Smith, G.A., Quade, J., and Lindsay, E.H., 1993, Stable isotopes of paleosol carbonates and fossil teeth as paleoecology and paleoclimate indicators: An example from the upper Cenozoic nonmarine sediments in the San Pedro Valley, Arizona, in Swart, P., Lohman, K.C., and MacKenzie, J.A., eds., Climate change in continental isotopic records: American Geophysical Union Monograph 78, p. 241-248.
Regional compositional variations of late Tertiary bimodal rhyolite lavas across the Basin and Range / Colorado Plateau boundary in western Arizona
Moyer, T.C., and Nealey, L.D., 1989, Regional compositional variations of late Tertiary bimodal rhyolite lavas across the Basin and Range / Colorado Plateau boundary in western Arizona: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 94, no. B6, p. 7799-7816.
Isotopic evidence for preservation of Cordilleran lithospheric mantle during the Sevier-Laramide orogeny, western United States
Livaccari, R.F., and Perry, F.V., 1993, Isotopic evidence for preservation of Cordilleran lithospheric mantle during the Sevier-Laramide orogeny, western United States: Geology, v. 21, no. 8, p. 719-722.
The role of the mantle during crustal extension: Constraints from geochemistry of volcanic rocks in the Lake Mead area, Nevada and Arizona
Feuerbach, D.L., Smith, E.I., Walker, J.D., and Tangeman, J.A., 1993, The role of the mantle during crustal extension: Constraints from geochemistry of volcanic rocks in the Lake Mead area, Nevada and Arizona: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 105, no. 12, p. 1561-1575.
Neodymium isotopic evidence for decreasing crustal contributions to Cenozoic ignimbrites of the western United States: Implications for the thermal evolution of the Cordilleran crust
Perry, F.V., DePaolo, D.J., and Baldridge, W.S., 1993, Neodymium isotopic evidence for decreasing crustal contributions to Cenozoic ignimbrites of the western United States: Implications for the thermal evolution of the Cordilleran crust: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 105, no. 7, p. 872-882.
Mantle metasomatism as a precursor to the genesis of alkaline magmas - isotopic evidence
Menzies, M.A., and Murthy, V.R., 1980, Mantle metasomatism as a precursor to the genesis of alkaline magmas - isotopic evidence: American Journal of Science, v. 280A, p. 622-638.
Isotopic, field and micropaleontologic study of the Proterozoic Beck Spring (CA.) and Mescal (AZ.) Formations: Evidence for Precambrian terrestrial photosynthetic communities [abs.]
Kenny, Ray, Knauth, L.P., and Horodyski, R.J., 1990, Isotopic, field and micropaleontologic study of the Proterozoic Beck Spring (CA.) and Mescal (AZ.) Formations: Evidence for Precambrian terrestrial photosynthetic communities [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 22, no. 7, p. A191.
Continental paleoclimates from [delta]D and [delta]18O of secondary silica in paleokarst chert lags
Kenny, Ray, and Knauth, L.P., 1992, Continental paleoclimates from [delta]D and [delta]18O of secondary silica in paleokarst chert lags: Geology, v. 20, no. 3, p. 219-222.
Stable isotopes on chert and carbonate from continental and lowland subaerial exposure surfaces
Kenny, Ray, 1991, Stable isotopes on chert and carbonate from continental and lowland subaerial exposure surfaces: Tempe, Arizona State University, Ph.D. dissertation, 194 p.