Griffiths, P.G., Webb, R.H., and Melis, T.S., 1996, Initiation and frequency of debris flows in Grand Canyon, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-0491, 35 p.
Landscape Evolution
Keywords Group
Initiation and frequency of debris flows in Grand Canyon, Arizona
"The Great Cataract": Effects of Late Holocene debris flows on Lava Falls Rapid, Grand Canyon National Park and Hualapai Indian Reservation, Arizona
Webb, R.H., Melis, T.S., Wise, T.W., and Elliott, J.G., 1996, "The Great Cataract": Effects of Late Holocene debris flows on Lava Falls Rapid, Grand Canyon National Park and Hualapai Indian Reservation, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-0460, 96 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000.
Cenozoic structural and paleogeographic evolution of the Transition Zone, central Arizona
A tale of two rivers: Tertiary structural inversion and drainage reversal across the southern boundary of the Colorado Plateau, in Duebendorfer, E.M., ed., Geologic excursions in northern and central Arizona, Field Trip Guidebook for...
Paleogeomorphic evolution of the Salt River region: Implications for Cretaceous-Laramide inheritance for ancestral Colorado River drainage, in Young, R.A., and Spamer, E.E., eds., Colorado River, Origin and evolution, Proceedings of a...
The Laramide-Paleogene history of the westerrn Grand Canyon region: Setting the stage, in Young, R.A., and Spamer, E.E., eds., Colorado River, Origin and evolution, Proceedings of a Symposium held at Grand Canyoun National Park in June,...
Young, R.A., 2001, The Laramide-Paleogene history of the westerrn Grand Canyon region: Setting the stage, in Young, R.A., and Spamer, E.E., eds., Colorado River, Origin and evolution, Proceedings of a Symposium held at Grand Canyoun National Park in June, 2000: Grand Canyon Association Monograph 12, p. 7-15.
Colorado River, Origin and evolution, Proceedings of a Symposium held at Grand Canyoun National Park in June, 2000
Young, R.A., and Spamer, E.E., eds., 2001, Colorado River, Origin and evolution, Proceedings of a Symposium held at Grand Canyoun National Park in June, 2000: Grand Canyon Association Monograph 12, 280 p.
Late Holocene behavior of small drainage basins on the Colorado Plateau: Influences of lithology, basin form, and climate change, in Lucas, S.G., and others, eds., Geology of the Zuni Plateau
Tillery, Anne, Fawcett, Peter, McFadden, Les, Scuderi, Louis, and McAuliffe, Joseph, 2003, Late Holocene behavior of small drainage basins on the Colorado Plateau: Influences of lithology, basin form, and climate change, in Lucas, S.G., and others, eds., Geology of the Zuni Plateau: New Mexico Geological Society 54th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 197-207.
Cenozoic structural and geomorphic evolution of part of the Transition Zone, Salt River Canyon region, east-central Arizona, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary...
Faulds, J.E., 1988, Cenozoic structural and geomorphic evolution of part of the Transition Zone, Salt River Canyon region, east-central Arizona, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip Guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology, Tertiary Basin Development, Archaeology, and Engineering Geology: Friends of the Pleistocene, Rocky Mountain Cell, p. 109-128.
Guide to the Tonto Basin of Arizona, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary geology, Tertiary basin development, archeology, and engineering geology
Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, 1988, Guide to the Tonto Basin of Arizona, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip Guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology, Tertiary Basin Development, Archaeology, and Engineering Geology: Friends of the Pleistocene, Rocky Mountain Cell, p. 2-54.