Heikes, V.C., 1908, Arizona, in Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in western states (mine production), in Mineral resources of the United States, calendar year 1907, Part I - Metallic products: U.S. Geological Survey (Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office), p. 150-187.
Massive Sulfide
Keywords Group
Arizona, in Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in western states (mine production), in Mineral resources of the United States, calendar year 1907, Part I - Metallic products
Arizona, in Lindgren, W., and others, Gold and Silver, in Mineral Resources of the United States, calendar year 1906
Heikes, V.C., 1907, Arizona, in Lindgren, W., and others, Gold and Silver, in Mineral Resources of the United States, calendar year 1906: U.S. Geological Survey (Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office), p. 147-177.
Arizona, in Lindgren, W., and others, Gold and Silver, in Mineral Resources of the United States, calendar year 1905
Heikes, V.C., 1906, Arizona, in Lindgren, W., and others, Gold and Silver, in Mineral Resources of the United States, calendar year 1905: U.S. Geological Survey (Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office), p. 134-162.
Paleozoic stratiform Cu-Pb-Zn deposits in Arizona and New Mexico [abs.]
Zantop, H., 1980, Paleozoic stratiform Cu-Pb-Zn deposits in Arizona and New Mexico [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 3, p. 161.
Bottoming of the United Verde sulphide pipe
Yeats, P.F., 1946, Bottoming of the United Verde sulphide pipe: unpublished manuscript of report presented at A.I.M.E., Arizona section meeting, Tucson, Ariz., October 26-28, 1946, 20 p. [available for inspection at Arizona Geological Survey, 416 W. Congress, Suite 100, Tucson, Ariz.].
Mercury in soils geochemistry on massive sulfide deposits in Arizona, in Watterson, J.R., and Theobald, P.K., eds., Geochemical exploration 1978 - Proceedings of the Seventh International Geochemical Exploration Symposium, Golden, Colo.,...
Wu, I.J., and Mahaffey, E.J., 1979, Mercury in soils geochemistry on massive sulfide deposits in Arizona, in Watterson, J.R., and Theobald, P.K., eds., Geochemical exploration 1978 - Proceedings of the Seventh International Geochemical Exploration Symposium, Golden, Colo., 1978: Association of Exploration Geochemists, p. 201-208.
Kay hits original ore at 1,200 feet depth
Willis, C.F., 1924, Kay hits original ore at 1,200 feet depth: Arizona Mining Journal, v. 8, no. 14, p. 5-7.
Romances of some of Arizona's mines
Willis, C.F., 1923, Romances of some of Arizona's mines: Arizona Mining Journal, v. 7, no. 11, supp., 16 p.
Jerome Grande copper between Verde Central and United Verde
Willis, C.F., 1922, Jerome Grande copper between Verde Central and United Verde: Arizona Mining Journal, v. 6, no. 5, p. 46.
Verde Chief property in south section of district
Willis, C.F., 1922, Verde Chief property in south section of district: Arizona Mining Journal, v. 6, no. 5, p. 45.