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Keywords Group
Timing and character of deformation along a margin of a metamorphic core complex, west-central Arizona, in Beratan, K.K., ed., Reconstructing the history of Basin and Range extension using sedimentology and stratigraphy
Evolution of the Miocene north Whipple basin in the Aubrey Hills, western Arizona, upper plate of the Whipple detachment fault, in Beratan, K.K., ed., Reconstructing the history of Basin and Range extension using sedimentology and...
Dorsey, R.J., and Roberts, Patricia, 1996, Evolution of the Miocene north Whipple basin in the Aubrey Hills, western Arizona, upper plate of the Whipple detachment fault, in Beratan, K.K., ed., Reconstructing the history of Basin and Range extension using sedimentology and stratigraphy: Geological Society of America Special Paper 303, p. 127-146.
Field guide, Quitovac, Sonora and Ajo, Arizona, Guidebook for the Arizona Geological Society Spring Field Trip, May 22-23, 1997
Richard, S.M., comp., 1997, Field guide, Quitovac, Sonora and Ajo, Arizona, Guidebook for the Arizona Geological Society Spring Field Trip, May 22-23, 1997: Arizona Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, [87] p.
Early Proterozoic structure and deformational history of the Sheep Basin Mountain area, northern Sierra Anchas, Gila County, Arizona
Brady, T.B., 1987, Early Proterozoic structure and deformational history of the Sheep Basin Mountain area, northern Sierra Anchas, Gila County, Arizona: Flagstaff, Northern Arizona University, 122 p., 4 sheets, scale 1:10,000.
Basin development during Tertiary detachment faulting, Whipple Mountains, southeastern California [abs.]
Beratan, K.K., 1988, Basin development during Tertiary detachment faulting, Whipple Mountains, southeastern California [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, no. 7, p. A230.
Evolution of a portion of the Jurassic volcanic arc in southern Arizona [abs.]
Bussard, W.J., and Riggs, N.R., 1996, Evolution of a portion of the Jurassic volcanic arc in southern Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, no. 5, p. 52-53.
Use of ignimbrite stratigraphy for correlation across a regional Mesozoic shear zone: New mapping from S.E. Arizona [abs.]
Bassett, K.N., and Busby, C.J., 1996, Use of ignimbrite stratigraphy for correlation across a regional Mesozoic shear zone: New mapping from S.E. Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, no. 5, p. 47.
Tertiary sedimentary rocks associated with the Harcuvar core complex in Arizona (U.S.A.): Insights into paleogeographic evolution during displacement along a major detachment fault system
Yarnold, J.C., 1994, Tertiary sedimentary rocks associated with the Harcuvar core complex in Arizona (U.S.A.): Insights into paleogeographic evolution during displacement along a major detachment fault system: Sedimentary Geology, v. 89, p. 43-63.
Age constraints on the end of detachment faulting, Colorado River extensional corridor, southeastern California - western Arizona, in Richard, S.M., ed., Deformation associated with the Neogene Eastern California Shear Zone, southeastern...
Beratan, K.K., 1992, Age constraints on the end of detachment faulting, Colorado River extensional corridor, southeastern California - western Arizona, in Richard, S.M., ed., Deformation associated with the Neogene Eastern California Shear Zone, southeastern California and southwestern Arizona: Redlands, Calif., San Bernardino County Museums Special Publication 92-1, p. 3-5.
Stratigraphic and structural synthesis of a Miocene extensional terrane, southeast California and west-central Arizona
Nielson, J.E., and Beratan, K.K., 1995, Stratigraphic and structural synthesis of a Miocene extensional terrane, southeast California and west-central Arizona: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 107, no. 2, p. 241-252.