Shackelford, T.J., 1980, Reply to comment (by J.R. Wilson) on 'Tertiary tectonic denudation of Mesozoic-early Tertiary(?) gneiss complex, Rawhide Mountains, western Arizona' by T.J. Shackelford: Geology, v. 8, no. 10, p. 471.
Keywords Group
Reply to comment (by J.R. Wilson) on 'Tertiary tectonic denudation of Mesozoic-early Tertiary(?) gneiss complex, Rawhide Mountains, western Arizona' by T.J. Shackelford
Potassium-argon dating of igneous and metamorphic rocks with applications to the basin ranges of Arizona and Sonora, Appendix A-II, in Damon, P.E., Correlation and chronology of ore deposits and volcanic rocks, Annual Progress Report no....
Damon, P.E., 1967, Potassium-argon dating of igneous and metamorphic rocks with applications to the basin ranges of Arizona and Sonora, Appendix A-II, in Damon, P.E., Correlation and chronology of ore deposits and volcanic rocks, Annual Progress Report no. COO-689-76: Tucson, University of Arizona, Geochronology Laboratories, p. AII.1-AII.71.
Implications of low-temperature cooling history on a transect across the Colorado Plateau-Basin and Range Boundary, west central Arizona
Bryant, Bruce, Naeser, C.W., and Fryxell, J.E., 1991, Implications of low-temperature cooling history on a transect across the Colorado Plateau-Basin and Range Boundary, west central Arizona: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 96, no. B7, p. 12,375-12,388.
Geologic map of the west-central Gila Bend Mountains, Maricopa County, Arizona [Yellow Medicine Butte 7.5 min]
Gilbert, W.G., and Skotnicki, Steve, 1993, Geologic map of the west-central Gila Bend Mountains, Maricopa County, Arizona [Yellow Medicine Butte 7.5 min]: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-05, 16 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Proterozoic geology of the Poachie Range and vicinity, west-central Arizona, in Karlstrom, K.E., ed., Proterozoic geology and ore deposits of Arizona
Bryant, Bruce, and Wooden, J.L., 1991, Proterozoic geology of the Poachie Range and vicinity, west-central Arizona, in Karlstrom, K.E., ed., Proterozoic geology and ore deposits of Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 19, p. 85-95.
Orthogonal Proterozoic fabrics in northwestern Arizona: Multiple orogenic events or progressive deformation during continental assembly, in Karlstrom, K.E., ed., Proterozoic geology and ore deposits of Arizona
Albin, A.L., and Karlstrom, K.E., 1991, Orthogonal Proterozoic fabrics in northwestern Arizona: Multiple orogenic events or progressive deformation during continental assembly, in Karlstrom, K.E., ed., Proterozoic geology and ore deposits of Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 19, p. 67-84.
Geology and mineral resources of the Sierra Estrella, Maricopa County, Arizona (updated September, 1993) [originally entitled 'Geologic map of the Sierra Estrella, Maricopa County, Arizona']
Melchiorre, E.B., 1992, Geology and mineral resources of the Sierra Estrella, Maricopa County, Arizona (updated September, 1993) [originally entitled 'Geologic map of the Sierra Estrella, Maricopa County, Arizona']: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-15, 20 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000.
Overview of Proterozoic metamorphism in Arizona, in Karlstrom, K.E., ed., Proterozoic geology and ore deposits of Arizona
Williams, M.L., 1991, Overview of Proterozoic metamorphism in Arizona, in Karlstrom, K.E., ed., Proterozoic geology and ore deposits of Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 19, p. 11-26.
Map showing outcrops of thick, dominantly argillaceous sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks, Basin and Range Province, Arizona
Johnson, W.D., Jr., comp., 1984, Map showing outcrops of thick, dominantly argillaceous sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks, Basin and Range Province, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4114-E, 11 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
Gold in the United Verde massive sulfide deposit, Jerome, Arizona, in Gold Deposits in metamorphic rocks - Part I, Chapter D, in Shawe, D.R., and Ashley, R.P., eds., Geology and resources of gold in the United States
DeWitt, Ed, and Waegli, J., 1989, Gold in the United Verde massive sulfide deposit, Jerome, Arizona, in Gold Deposits in metamorphic rocks - Part I, Chapter D, in Shawe, D.R., and Ashley, R.P., eds., Geology and resources of gold in the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1857-D, p. D1-D26.