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Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of naturally shocked SiO2 from Meteor Crater, Arizona [abs.]
Shock processes in porous quartzite, transmission electron microscope observations and therory
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Shock metamorphism of the Coconino Sandstone at Meteor Crater, in Shoemaker, E.M., and Kieffer, S.W., eds., Guidebook to the geology of Meteor Crater, Arizona, prepared... for the 37th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, August 7...
Kieffer, S.W., 1974, Shock metamorphism of the Coconino Sandstone at Meteor Crater, in Shoemaker, E.M., and Kieffer, S.W., eds., Guidebook to the geology of Meteor Crater, Arizona, prepared... for the 37th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, August 7, 1974: Tempe, Arizona State University, Center for Meteorite Studies, Publication no. 17, p. 12-19 [reprinted 1988].
I. Shock metamorphism of the Coconino Sandstone at Meteor Crater, Arizona. II. The specific heat of solids of geophysical interest
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Shock metamorphism of the Coconino Sandstone at Meteor Crater, Arizona
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The chemical composition of metallic spheroids and metallic particles within impactite from Barringer Metorite Crater, Arizona
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Catalog of meteorites in the collections of Arizona State University, including the Nininger Meteorite Collection
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Small meteorite impact in the western Grand Canyon, Arizona, in Elston, D.P., Billingsley, G.H., and Young, R.A., eds., Geology of Grand Canyon, northern Arizona (with Colorado River guides)
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Gravity investigation of Meteor Crater, Arizona
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Cobalt, iron, nickel and grain size distribution; Meteor Crater, Arizona
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