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Keywords Group
Microminerals from the Big Lue Mountains, Greenlee County, Arizona, and Grant County, New Mexico [abs.]
The clay mineralogy of Roosevelt Lake -- A trap for fine-grained sediments in east-central Arizona
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Rockhounds and Arizona minerals
Flagg, A.L., 1944, Rockhounds and Arizona minerals: Phoenix, Ariz., Whispering Wind Press, 82 p.
Pseudotachylyte in a metamorphic core complex: Analytic modeling of the effect of compositional variation on frictional melting [abs.]
Haneberg, W.C., Goodwin, L.B., and Ferranti, C.J., 1994, Pseudotachylyte in a metamorphic core complex: Analytic modeling of the effect of compositional variation on frictional melting [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, no. 7, p. A.269.
Pseudotachylyte in a metamorphic core complex: Frictional melting facilitated by the presence of a hydrous mafic phase [abs.]
Goodwin, L.B., and Ferranti, C.J., 1994, Pseudotachylyte in a metamorphic core complex: Frictional melting facilitated by the presence of a hydrous mafic phase [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, no. 7, p. A.269.
Reply to discussion (by S.K. Mittwede) of 'Correlation of the Peach Springs Tuff, a large-volume Miocene ignimbrite sheet in California and Arizona' by A.F. Glazner, J.E. Nielson, K.A. Howard, and D.M. Miller
Glazner, A.F., Nielson, J.E., Howard, K.A., and Miller, D.M., 1987, Reply to discussion (by S.K. Mittwede) of 'Correlation of the Peach Springs Tuff, a large-volume Miocene ignimbrite sheet in California and Arizona' by A.F. Glazner, J.E. Nielson, K.A. Howard, and D.M. Miller: Geology, v. 15, no. 4, p. 375.
Discussion of 'Correlation of the Peach Springs Tuff, a large-volume Miocene ignimbrite sheet in California and Arizona' by A.F. Glazner, J.E. Nielson, K.A. Howard, and D.M. Miller
Mittwede, S.K., 1987, Discussion of 'Correlation of the Peach Springs Tuff, a large-volume Miocene ignimbrite sheet in California and Arizona' by A.F. Glazner, J.E. Nielson, K.A. Howard, and D.M. Miller: Geology, v. 15, no. 4, p. 375.
Coffinite, a uranous silicate with hydroxyl substitution: A new mineral
Stieff, L.R., Stern, T.W., and Sherwood, A.M., 1956, Coffinite, a uranous silicate with hydroxyl substitution: A new mineral: American Mineralogist, v. 41, nos. 9-10, p. 675-688.
Navajoite, a new vanadium oxide from Arizona
Weeks, A.D., Thompson, M.E., and Sherwood, A.M., 1957, Navajoite, a new vanadium oxide from Arizona: American Mineralogist, v. 40, nos. 3-4, p. 207-212.
Doloresite, a new vanadium oxide mineral from the Colorado Plateau
Stern, T.W., Stieff, L.R., Evans, H.T., Jr., and Sherwood, A.M., 1957, Doloresite, a new vanadium oxide mineral from the Colorado Plateau: American Mineralogist, v. 42, nos. 9-10, p. 587-593.