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Keywords Group
Study of the Ajo copper ore minerals
Thorium veins in the United States
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Bowie zeolite deposit, Cochise and Graham Counties, Arizona, in Sand, L.B., and Mumpton, F.A., eds., Natural zeolites, occurrence, properties, use
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Schwartz, G.M., and Park, C.F., Jr., 1932, A microscopic study of ores from the Campbell mine, Bisbee, Arizona: Economic Geology, v. 27, no. 1, p. 39-51.
Geology of the San Manuel copper deposit, Arizona
Schwartz, G.M., 1953, Geology of the San Manuel copper deposit, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 256, 65 p., 12 sheets, scales 1:4,800 and 1:9,600.
Chlorite-calcite pseudomorphs after orthoclase phenocrysts, Ray, Arizona
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Mineral deposits of the Santa Rita and Patagonia Mountains, Arizona, with contributions by J.M. Hill
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Chemical composition of cuprotungstite
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