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Keywords Group
Magmatic evidence for lithospheric thinning beneath the central Colrado [sic] Plateau between 28.5Ma and 4Ma [abs.]
Early Miocene mafic magmatism in central Arizona [abs.]
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Isotopic studies in the Roskruge Mountains, Pima County, Arizona, App. A-II, in Damon, P.E., Correlation and chronology of ore deposits and volcanic rocks, Annual Progress Report no. COO-689-60, Contract AT(11-1)-689 to Research Division...
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Role of extensional deformation in the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the western U.S. Cordillera: A regional tectonic model and paleomagnetic study of the South Mountains metamorphic core complex
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Large-magnitude extensional deformation in the South Mountains metamorphic core complex, Arizona: Evaluation with paleomagnetism
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Stratigraphic and structural synthesis of a Miocene extensional terrane, southeast California and west-central Arizona
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Preliminary reconstruction of Miocene extension in the Basin and Range of Arizona and adjacent areas
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Geomorphic surfaces and underlying deposits of the Mohave Mountains piedmont, lower Colorado River, Arizona
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K-Ar ages of late Cenozoic basaltic rocks in the northern part of the Mormon Volcanic Field, north-central Arizona
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The geology and geochemistry of Cenozoic topaz rhyolites from the western United States
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