Best, M.G., and Hamblin, W.K., 1978, Origin of the northern Basin and Range province: Implications from the geology of its eastern boundary, in Smith, R.B., and Eaton, G.P., eds., Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the western Cordillera: Geological Society of America Memoir 152, p. 313-340.
Keywords Group
Origin of the northern Basin and Range province: Implications from the geology of its eastern boundary, in Smith, R.B., and Eaton, G.P., eds., Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the western Cordillera
Mid-Tertiary volcanic history and petrology of the White Mountain volcanic province, southeastern Arizona
Berry, R.C., 1976, Mid-Tertiary volcanic history and petrology of the White Mountain volcanic province, southeastern Arizona: Princeton, N.J., Princeton University, Ph.D. dissertation, 317 p.
Geochronology of Tertiary igneous rocks, eastern Basin and Range province, western Utah, eastern Nevada and vicinity, U.S.A.
Armstrong, R.L., 1970, Geochronology of Tertiary igneous rocks, eastern Basin and Range province, western Utah, eastern Nevada and vicinity, U.S.A.: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 34, no. 2, p. 203-232.
Field guide to regional Miocene detachment faulting and early Tertiary(?) mylonitic terranes in the Colorado River trough, southeastern California and western Arizona, in Abbott, P.L., ed., Geological excursions in the southern...
Anderson, J.L., Davis, G.A., and Frost, E.G., 1979, Field guide to regional Miocene detachment faulting and early Tertiary(?) mylonitic terranes in the Colorado River trough, southeastern California and western Arizona, in Abbott, P.L., ed., Geological excursions in the southern California area, Original papers and field trip roadlogs prepared for the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 1979: San Diego, San Diego State University, Department of Geological Sciences, p. 109-133.