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Keywords Group
Lower Carboniferous calcareous foramirifera [sic] - Preliminary zonation and stratigraphic implications for the Mississippian of North America.
Preliminary foraminiferal correlations of early Carboniferous strata in the North American Cordillera, in Streel, M., and Wagner, R.H., eds., Colloque sur la stratigraphie du Carbonifere (Les Congres et Colloques de l'Universite de Liege...
Mamet, B.L., and Skipp, B.A., 1970, Preliminary foraminiferal correlations of early Carboniferous strata in the North American Cordillera, in Streel, M., and Wagner, R.H., eds., Colloque sur la stratigraphie du Carbonifere (Les Congres et Colloques de l'Universite de Liege, v. 55): Universite de Liege, p. 327-348.
Kaiparowits and Black Mesa basins - Stratigraphic synthesis, in Baars, D.L., ed., Geology and Natural History of the Grand Canyon region
Lessentine, R.H., 1969, Kaiparowits and Black Mesa basins - Stratigraphic synthesis, in Baars, D.L., ed., Geology and Natural History of the Grand Canyon region: Four Corners Geological Society 5th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 91-113.
Kaiparowits and Black Mesa basins - Stratigraphic synthesis
Lessentine, R.H., 1965, Kaiparowits and Black Mesa basins - Stratigraphic synthesis: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 49, no. 11, p. 1997-2019.
Mississippian stratigraphy in southwestern Utah and adjacent parts of Nevada and Arizona, in Heylmun, E.B., ed., Guidebook to the geology of southwestern Utah; Transition between Basin-Range and Colorado Plateau Provinces
Langenheim, R.L., Jr., 1963, Mississippian stratigraphy in southwestern Utah and adjacent parts of Nevada and Arizona, in Heylmun, E.B., ed., Guidebook to the geology of southwestern Utah; Transition between Basin-Range and Colorado Plateau Provinces: Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists 12th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 30-41.
The Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary in the United States
Gordon, M., Jr., 1974, The Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary in the United States: Septieme Congres International de Stratigraphie et de Geologie du Carbonifere, Krefeld, 23-28 August 1971, Compte Rendu, v. 3, p. 129-141.
Late Paleozoic stratigraphy of central Cochise County, Arizona
Gilluly, James, Cooper, J.R., and Williams, J.S., 1954, Late Paleozoic stratigraphy of central Cochise County, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 266, 49 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500.
History of the Mississippian System--an interpretive summary, chap. R of Criag, L.C., Conner, C.W., and others, Paleotectonic investigations of the Mississippian System in the United States, Part II, Interpretive summary and special...
Craig, L.C., and Varnes, K.L., 1979, History of the Mississippian System--an interpretive summary, chap. R of Criag, L.C., Conner, C.W., and others, Paleotectonic investigations of the Mississippian System in the United States, Part II, Interpretive summary and special features of the Mississippian System: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1010, p. 371-406.
Mississippian System, in Mallory, W.W., ed., Geologic atlas of the Rocky Mountain region, United States of America
Craig, L.C., 1972, Mississippian System, in Mallory, W.W., ed., Geologic atlas of the Rocky Mountain region, United States of America: Denver, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p. 100-110.
Cambrian, Devonian and Mississippian rocks of the Four Corners area, in Cooper, J.C., ed., Geology of parts of Paradox, Black Mesa, and San Juan Basins, Four Corners Field Conference
Cooper, J.C., 1955, Cambrian, Devonian and Mississippian rocks of the Four Corners area, in Cooper, J.C., ed., Geology of parts of Paradox, Black Mesa, and San Juan Basins, Four Corners Field Conference: Four Corners Geological Society Guidebook.