Campbell, I., and Maxson, J.H., 1937, Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon: Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 36, p. 345-346.
Keywords Group
Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon
Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon
Campbell, I., and Maxson, J.H., 1936, Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon: Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 35, p. 329-331.
Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon
Campbell, I., and Maxson, J.H., 1935, Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon: Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 34, p. 323-326.
Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon
Campbell, I., and Maxson, J.H., 1934, Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon: Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 33, p. 284-285.
Archean formations of the Grand Canyon [abs.]
Campbell, I., and Maxson, J.H., 1933, Archean formations of the Grand Canyon [abs.]: Science, new series, v. 77, p. 460.
Field studies of the Archean in Grand Canyon
Campbell, I., and Maxson, J.H., 1933, Field studies of the Archean in Grand Canyon: Grand Canyon Nature Notes, v. 8, p. 141-151.
Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon
Campbell, I., and Maxson, J.H., 1933, Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon: Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 32, p. 305-306.
Types of pegmatites in the Archean at Grand Canyon, Arizona [abs.]
Campbell, I., 1937, Types of pegmatites in the Archean at Grand Canyon, Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 49th, 1936, Proceedings, p. 332.
Types of pegmatites in the Archean at Grand Canyon, Arizona
Campbell, I., 1937, Types of pegmatites in the Archean at Grand Canyon, Arizona: American Mineralogist, v. 22, p. 436-445.
Eucryptite from Arizona and the lithium aluminosilicate phase diagram [abs.]
Burt, D.M., London, D., and Smith, M.R., 1977, Eucryptite from Arizona and the lithium aluminosilicate phase diagram [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, p. 917.