Stoyanow, Alexander, 1949, Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy in southeastern Arizona: Geological Society of America Memoir 38, 169 p.
Physical Stratigraphy
Keywords Group
Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy in southeastern Arizona
Stratigraphic sections of younger Precambrian and Paleozoic formations, Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona
McClymonds, N.E., and Heindl, L.A., 1965, Stratigraphic sections of younger Precambrian and Paleozoic formations, Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report [unnumbered], 101 p., 5 sheets, scale 1:62,500.
Seismotectonic investigation, Theodore Roosevelt Dam, Salt River Project, Arizona, with appendix, Stratigraphy and tectonic significance of Cenozoic basin-fill sediments, Tonto Basin, Arizona, by J.D. Nations
Anderson, L.W., Piety, L.A., and LaForge, R.C., 1987, Seismotectonic investigation, Theodore Roosevelt Dam, Salt River Project, Arizona, with appendix, Stratigraphy and tectonic significance of Cenozoic basin-fill sediments, Tonto Basin, Arizona, by J.D. Nations: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Seismotectonic Report no. 87-5, 95 p., 3 sheets, scales 1:48,000, 1:14,400, 1:6,200.
Principal reference section and correlation of the Gallup Sandstone, northwestern New Mexico, in Hook, S.C., comp., Contributions to mid-Cretaceous paleontology and stratigraphy of New Mexico - part II
Molenaar, C.M., 1983, Principal reference section and correlation of the Gallup Sandstone, northwestern New Mexico, in Hook, S.C., comp., Contributions to mid-Cretaceous paleontology and stratigraphy of New Mexico - part II: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Circular 185, p. 29-40.
Startigraphy and revision of nomenclature of upper Cenomanian to Turonian (upper Cretaceous) rocks of west-central New Mexico
Hook, S.C., Molenaar, C.M., and Cobban, W.A., 1983, Startigraphy and revision of nomenclature of upper Cenomanian to Turonian (upper Cretaceous) rocks of west-central New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Circular 185, p. 7-28.
The geology of Wupatki National Monument, northern Arizona
McCormack, D.C., 1989, The geology of Wupatki National Monument, northern Arizona: Flagstaff, Northern Arizona University, M.S. thesis, 96 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Geology of the Munds Park - Oak Creek Canyon area, central Arizona
Cloud, R.A., 1983, Geology of the Munds Park - Oak Creek Canyon area, central Arizona: Flagstaff, Northern Arizona University. M.S. thesis, 136 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:24,000.
Correlation of some mid-Mesozoic redbeds and quartz sandstones in the Santa Rita Mountains, Mustang Mountains, and Canelo Hills, southeastern Arizona
Beatty, B., 1987, Correlation of some mid-Mesozoic redbeds and quartz sandstones in the Santa Rita Mountains, Mustang Mountains, and Canelo Hills, southeastern Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. prepublication manuscript, 30 p. [available for inspection at Arizona Geological Survey, 416 W. Congress, Suite 100, Tucson, Ariz.].
Sedimentology, sandstone petrofacies, and tectonic setting of the late Mesozoic Bisbee Basin, southeastern Arizona
Klute, M.A., 1991, Sedimentology, sandstone petrofacies, and tectonic setting of the late Mesozoic Bisbee Basin, southeastern Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, Ph.D. dissertation, 268 p.
Depositional style and tectonic implications of the Mogollon Rim formation (Eocene), east-central Arizona, in Anderson, O.J., Lucas, S.G., Love, D.W., and Cather, S.M., eds., Southeastern Colorado Plateau
Potochnik, A.R., 1989, Depositional style and tectonic implications of the Mogollon Rim formation (Eocene), east-central Arizona, in Anderson, O.J., Lucas, S.G., Love, D.W., and Cather, S.M., eds., Southeastern Colorado Plateau: New Mexico Geological Society 40th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 107-118.