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Keywords Group
Mantle origin and flow sorting of megacryst-xenolith inclusions in mafic dikes of Black Canyon, Arizona
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Stratigraphic and structural correlation of Tertiary strata of the Mohave Mountains and Aubrey Hills, Ariz., in Sherrod, D.R., and Nielson, J.E., eds., Tertiary stratigraphy of highly extended terranes, California, Arizona, and Nevada
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Tertiary stratigraphy of highly extended terranes, California, Arizona, and Nevada
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Resume of glacial geology and related Quaternary events of the San Francisco Peaks, in Guidebook to the Geology of the San Francisco Peaks, Arizona, prepared for Friends of the Pleistocene, Rocky Mountain Section, 15th Field Conference,...
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Petrology and geochemistry of lower crustal granulites from the Geronimo Volcanic Field, southeastern Arizona
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Cretaceous-Eocene (Laramide) landscape development and Oligocene-Pliocene drainage reorganization of Transition Zone and Colorado Plateau, Arizona
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Late Cenozoic volcanism in the San Francisco and Mormon volcanic fields, southern Colorado Plateau, Arizona, in Davis, G.H., and VandenDolder, E.M., eds., Geologic diversity of Arizona and its margins: Excursions to choice areas; Field...
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