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Porphyry Copper
Keywords Group
Arizona, in Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in western states (mine production), in Mineral resources of the United States, calendar year 1907, Part I - Metallic products
Arizona, in Lindgren, W., and others, Gold and Silver, in Mineral Resources of the United States, calendar year 1906
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Arizona, in Lindgren, W., and others, Gold and Silver, in Mineral Resources of the United States, calendar year 1905
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Geologic evaluation of the Kelvin copper-molybdenum prospect, Pinal County, Arizona
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Paleozoic stratiform Cu-Pb-Zn deposits in Arizona and New Mexico [abs.]
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Structural variations of muscovite in porphyry copper systems
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Geology, geochemistry, alteration, and mass transfer in the Sol prospect, a sub-economic porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit, Safford district, Graham County, Arizona
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