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Porphyry Copper
Keywords Group
Duval Sierrita mills 71,252 tons per day
Mineral resource potential map of the Arnold Mesa Roadless Area, Yavapai County, Arizona
Wolfe, E.W., Wallace, A.R., McColly, R.A., and Korzeb, S.L., 1983, Mineral resource potential map of the Arnold Mesa Roadless Area, Yavapai County, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1577-A, 10 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Arnold Mesa Roadless Area, Arizona, in Marsh, S.P., and others, eds., Wilderness mineral potential - Assessment of mineral resource potential in U.S. Forest Service lands studied 1964-84, v. 1
Wolfe, E.W., and McColly, R.A., 1984, Arnold Mesa Roadless Area, Arizona, in Marsh, S.P., and others, eds., Wilderness mineral potential - Assessment of mineral resource potential in U.S. Forest Service lands studied 1964-84, v. 1: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1300, p. 48-51.
Oxidation subsidence at Bisbee, Arizona
Wisser, E., 1927, Oxidation subsidence at Bisbee, Arizona: Economic Geology, v. 22, no. 8, p. 761-790.
Geology, alteration, and mineralization of the Korn Kob Mine area, Pima County, Arizona
Wilson, J.R., 1977, Geology, alteration, and mineralization of the Korn Kob Mine area, Pima County, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 103 p.
Cretaceous and Tertiary ore deposition in Arizona
Wilson, E.D., and Moore, R.T., 1963, Cretaceous and Tertiary ore deposition in Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 6, p. 1-6.
A resume of the geology of Arizona
Wilson, E.D., 1962, A resume of the geology of Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin 171, 140 p. [reprinted 1976].
Geologic factors related to block caving at San Manuel copper mine, Pinal County, Arizona - Progress report, April 1954-March 1956
Wilson, E.D., 1957, Geologic factors related to block caving at San Manuel copper mine, Pinal County, Arizona - Progress report, April 1954-March 1956: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations R.I. 5336, 78 p.
Pima district, Chap. IV, in Arizona zinc and lead deposits, Part I
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Ore controls of the San Xavier mine, Pima County, Arizona
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