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Porphyry Copper
Keywords Group
Sensor assessment, Sect. 2, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1
Project description, Sect. 1, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1
Settle, Mark, Taranik, J.V., Goetz, A.F.H., Abrams, M.J., Conel, J.E., and Lang, H.R., 1984, Project description, Sect. 1, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 1.1-1.12.
Pima District, Arizona - An historical and economic perspective [abs.]
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Mineralization and structure of Sierrita/Esperanza ore body [abs.]
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Porphyry copper exploration model for northern Sonora, Mexico
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The 'New Look' at Inspiration
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Mining activities and water quality report
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Past and current major mining operations in the Globe-Miami area
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Prograde and retrograde base metal lode deposits and their relationship to underlying porphyry copper deposits
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Some temporal-spatial aspects of North American porphyry deposits
Davies, J.F., 1989, Some temporal-spatial aspects of North American porphyry deposits: Economic Geology, v. 84, no. 8, p. 2300-2306.