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Porphyry Copper
Keywords Group
Geology of the Cyprus Tohono Porphyry copper deposit, Pinal and Pima Counties, Arizona, in John, Ed, Kreis, Henry, and Hoag, Corolla, Trip 7: Ray, Poston Butte, Sacaton, Santa Cruz, Cyprus Tohono, October 1994 - Bootprints Along the...
Lithologic controls of copper mineralization at the Noranda Lakeshore porphyry copper deposit, Pinal County, Arizona
Huyck, H.L.O., 1986, Lithologic controls of copper mineralization at the Noranda Lakeshore porphyry copper deposit, Pinal County, Arizona: Berkeley, University of California, Ph.D. dissertation, 178 p.
Trip 7: Ray, Poston Butte, Sacaton, Santa Cruz, Cyprus Tohono, October 1994 - Bootprints Along the Cordillera, Porphyry Copper Deposits from Alaska to Chile
John, Ed, Kreis, Henry, and Hoag, Corolla, 1994, Trip 7: Ray, Poston Butte, Sacaton, Santa Cruz, Cyprus Tohono, October 1994 - Bootprints Along the Cordillera, Porphyry Copper Deposits from Alaska to Chile: Arizona Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, [80] p.
Trip 6: Globe-Miami and Superior Districts: Thornton, Live Oak, Pinto Valley, Old Dominion-Magma, Carlota, October 1994 - Bootprints Along the Cordillera, Porphyry Copper Deposits from Alaska to Chile
Bingham, Brent, and Lenzi, Gary, 1994, Trip 6: Globe-Miami and Superior Districts: Thornton, Live Oak, Pinto Valley, Old Dominion-Magma, Carlota, October 1994 - Bootprints Along the Cordillera, Porphyry Copper Deposits from Alaska to Chile: Arizona Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, [42] p.
Rhenium-osmium evidence for regional mineralization in southwestern North America
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Locomotive-type post-ore fanglomerates as exploration guides for porphyry copper deposits
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Mineralized intrusive breccias as guides to concealed porphyry copper systems
Gilmour, Paul, 1977, Mineralized intrusive breccias as guides to concealed porphyry copper systems: Economic Geology, v. 72, no. 2, p. 290-298.
Regional geology of the Morenci area [abs.], in SME, 1994 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, February 14-17, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Program and abstracts
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Natural radioactivity contamination problems - A report of the task force
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Exploration of the Copper Butte Mine, Mineral Creek Mining District, Pinal County, Ariz.
Phelps, H.D., 1946, Exploration of the Copper Butte Mine, Mineral Creek Mining District, Pinal County, Ariz.: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations R.I. 3914, 34 p.