Langston, Charles, and Helmberger, D.V., 1973, Interpretation of Body and Rayleigh Waves from NTS to Tucson [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 54, p. 1140.
Refraction Seismology
Keywords Group
Interpretation of Body and Rayleigh Waves from NTS to Tucson [abs.]
Interpretation of body and Rayleigh waves from NTS to Tucson
Langston, C.A., and Helmberger, D.V., 1974, Interpretation of body and Rayleigh waves from NTS to Tucson: Seismological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 64, p. 1919-1929.
Earth fissures form in alluvial deposits that overlie buried bedrock fissures, in Geological Survey research 1979
Laney, R.L., Zenone, Chester, and Pankrantz, L.W., 1979, Earth fissures form in alluvial deposits that overlie buried bedrock fissures, in Geological Survey research 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1150, p. 276.
Geophysical investigations near subsidence fissures in northern Pinal and southern Maricopa Counties, Arizona
Jennings, M.D., 1977, Geophysical investigations near subsidence fissures in northern Pinal and southern Maricopa Counties, Arizona: Tempe, Arizona State University, M.S. thesis, 102 p.
Results from exploratory drilling near the Picacho Fault, south-central Arizona [abs.]
Holzer, T.L., 1979, Results from exploratory drilling near the Picacho Fault, south-central Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11, no. 3, p. 84.
Geophysical surveys near Picacho, Arizona, in Geological Survey research 1978
Holzer, T.L., 1978, Geophysical surveys near Picacho, Arizona, in Geological Survey research 1978: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1100, p. 265.
Seismic refraction study of the southeastern Arizona crust between Globe, Arizona and Cananea, Mexico
Hiller, J.W., 1986, Seismic refraction study of the southeastern Arizona crust between Globe, Arizona and Cananea, Mexico: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 177 p.
Results of shallow seismic studies across two collapse breccia pipe sites on the Hualapai Reservation, northern Arizona [abs.]
Hasbrouck, W.P., 1986, Results of shallow seismic studies across two collapse breccia pipe sites on the Hualapai Reservation, northern Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 5, p. 360.
Arizona geothermal energy appraisal studies, Final report, June 1978 - March 1980
Hahman, W.R., Sr., Sbar, M.L., Swanberg, C.A., Young, C.T., Gish, D.M., Rybarczyk, S.M., Stone, Claudia, and Witcher, J.C., 1980, Arizona geothermal energy appraisal studies, Final report, June 1978 - March 1980: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 80-01, 144 p.
A refraction study of deep crustal structure of the Basin and Range: Colorado Plateau of eastern Arizona
Gish, D.M., Keller, G.R., and Sbar, M.L., 1981, A refraction study of deep crustal structure of the Basin and Range: Colorado Plateau of eastern Arizona: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 86, p. 6,029-6,038.