Bills, D.J., Truini, Margot, Flynn, M.E., Pierce, H.A., Catchings, R.D., and Rymer, M.J., 2000, Hydrogeology of the regional aquifer near Flagstaff, Arizona, 1994-1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4122, 143 p., 4 sheets, scale 1:100,000.
Remote Sensing
Keywords Group
Hydrogeology of the regional aquifer near Flagstaff, Arizona, 1994-1997
Binational digital soils map of the Ambos Nogales watershed, southern Arizona and northern Sonora, Mexico
Norman, Laura, 2004, Binational digital soils map of the Ambos Nogales watershed, southern Arizona and northern Sonora, Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1335, 39p.
Use of low-sun angle photography for identification of subsidence-induced earth fissures, in Johnson, A.I., ed., Land subsidence: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, held at Houston, Texas, 12-17 May 1991
Beckwith, G.H., Slemmons, D.B., and Weeks, R.E., 1991, Use of low-sun angle photography for identification of subsidence-induced earth fissures, in Johnson, A.I., ed., Land subsidence: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, held at Houston, Texas, 12-17 May 1991: International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Publication no. 200, p. 261-269.
Geological, remote sensing, and geophysical investigation of the greater Arivaca region, Pima and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona
Horstman, K.C., 1996, Geological, remote sensing, and geophysical investigation of the greater Arivaca region, Pima and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona Ph.D. dissertation, 106 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:100,000.
Thermal infrared analysis of weathered granitic rock compositions in the Sacaton Mountains, Arizona: Implications for petrologic classifications from thermal infrared remote-sensing data
Michalski, J.R., Reynolds, S.J., Sharp, T.G., and Christensen, P.R., , Thermal infrared analysis of weathered granitic rock compositions in the Sacaton Mountains, Arizona: Implications for petrologic classifications from thermal infrared remote-sensing data: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 109, E03007, doi:10.129/2003JE002197.
Mapping flood inundation in southwestern Arizona using Landsat TM data: A method for rapid regional flood assessment following large storms, in House, P.K. and others, eds., Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Applications of...
Mayer, Larry, and Pearthree, P.A., 2002, Mapping flood inundation in southwestern Arizona using Landsat TM data: A method for rapid regional flood assessment following large storms, in House, P.K. and others, eds., Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Applications of Paleoflood Hydrology, with accompanying CD-ROM compiled and designed by P. Kyle House and Larry Mayer: American Geophysical Union, Water Science and Application 5, p. 61-75.
Hydrologic and geomorphic characteristics of the Bill Williams River, Arizona
House, P.K., Wood, M.L., and Pearthree, P.A., 1999, Hydrologic and geomorphic characteristics of the Bill Williams River, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-04, 46 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:24,000.
Bibliography of geophysical studies and data in the San Carlos - Safford - Duncan Nonpoint-Source Management Zone, Arizona
Harris, R.C., 1998, Bibliography of geophysical studies and data in the San Carlos - Safford - Duncan Nonpoint-Source Management Zone, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-07, 9 p.
Spatial patterns of geomorphic systems and cultural resources in the Combat Systems Maneuver Area, Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona
Lashlee, J.D., Briuer, Frederick, Murphy, William, McDonald, E.V., and Hennington, G.W., 1999, Spatial patterns of geomorphic systems and cultural resources in the Combat Systems Maneuver Area, Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona: AEG News (Association of Engineering Geologists), v. 42, no. 2, p. 4-7.
Radar images - San Francisco Volcanic Field - Arizona - A preliminary evaluation
Schaber, G.G., 1968, Radar images - San Francisco Volcanic Field - Arizona - A preliminary evaluation: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report [unnumbered], 10 p., 7 figures, scales 1:58,000 and 1:200,000 [approx.].