Abrams, M.J., Sadowski, Ray, and Prost, G.L., 1984, Helvetia, Arizona, porphyry copper test site report, Sect. 5, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 5.1-5.78.
Remote Sensing
Keywords Group
Helvetia, Arizona, porphyry copper test site report, Sect. 5, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1
Silver Bell, Arizona, porphyry copper test site report, Sect. 4, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1
Abrams, M.J., and Brown, David, 1984, Silver Bell, Arizona, porphyry copper test site report, Sect. 4, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 4.1-4.73.
Porphyry copper commodity report, Sect. 3, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1
Abrams, M.J., and Brown, David, 1984, Porphyry copper commodity report, Sect. 3, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 3.1-3.20.
Sensor assessment, Sect. 2, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1
Settle, Mark, Abrams, M.J., Conel, J.E., Goetz, A.F.H., and Lang, H.R., 1984, Sensor assessment, Sect. 2, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 2.1-2.24.
Project description, Sect. 1, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1
Settle, Mark, Taranik, J.V., Goetz, A.F.H., Abrams, M.J., Conel, J.E., and Lang, H.R., 1984, Project description, Sect. 1, in Paley, H.N., ed., The joint NASA/Geosat test case project, Final report, Part 2, V. 1: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 1.1-1.12.
Information extraction and integration in mineral exploration
El-Fouly, A.A.M., 1992, Information extraction and integration in mineral exploration: Tucson, University of Arizona, Ph.D. dissertation, 219 p.
Earth fissures and related subsidence features adjacent to the Tucson Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Pinal and Pima Counties, Arizona
Slaff, Steven, 1993, Earth fissures and related subsidence features adjacent to the Tucson Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Pinal and Pima Counties, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-11, 18 p., 6 sheets, scale 1:24,000.
Fracture orientation and distribution on the Kaibab Plateau of northern Arizona
Cepeda, J.C., 1994, Fracture orientation and distribution on the Kaibab Plateau of northern Arizona: Mountain Geologist, v. 31, no. 3, p. 77-83.
Floods of November 1965 to January 1966 in the Gila River Basin, Arizona and New Mexico, and adjacent basins in Arizona
Aldridge, B.N., 1970, Floods of November 1965 to January 1966 in the Gila River Basin, Arizona and New Mexico, and adjacent basins in Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1850-C, p. C1-C176, 6 sheets, scales 1:31,680, 1:1,000,000, and 1:2,000,000.
Discussion of 'Thermal anomalies and sulfide oxidation in the Silver Bell mining district, Arizona' by R.C. Edmiston
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