Houser, B.B., 1992, Geologic highlights and road log, in Houser, B.B., ed., Industrial minerals of the Tucson area and San Pedro Valley, southeastern Arizona, Arizona Geological Society Field Trip, April 4 and 5, 1992: Arizona Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, p. 2-22.
Rock Avalanche
Keywords Group
Geologic highlights and road log, in Houser, B.B., ed., Industrial minerals of the Tucson area and San Pedro Valley, southeastern Arizona, Arizona Geological Society Field Trip, April 4 and 5, 1992
Industrial minerals of the Tucson area and San Pedro Valley, southeastern Arizona, Arizona Geological Society Field Trip, April 4 and 5, 1992
Houser, B.B., ed., 1992, Industrial minerals of the Tucson area and San Pedro Valley, southeastern Arizona, Arizona Geological Society Field Trip, April 4 and 5, 1992: Arizona Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, 55 p.
Geologic map of parts of the Gila Bend Mountains near Woolsey Peak and Signal Mountain, southwestern Arizona
Spencer, J.E., and Gilbert, W.G., 1997, Geologic map of parts of the Gila Bend Mountains near Woolsey Peak and Signal Mountain, southwestern Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-08, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Basin development during Tertiary detachment faulting, Whipple Mountains, southeastern California [abs.]
Beratan, K.K., 1988, Basin development during Tertiary detachment faulting, Whipple Mountains, southeastern California [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, no. 7, p. A230.
Rock movement and mass wastage in the Grand Canyon, Chap. 19, in Beus, S.S., and Morales, Michael, eds., Grand Canyon geology
Hereford, Richard, and Huntoon, P.W., 1990, Rock movement and mass wastage in the Grand Canyon, Chap. 19, in Beus, S.S., and Morales, Michael, eds., Grand Canyon geology: New York, Oxford University Press, p. 443-459.
A facies model for large rock-avalanche deposits formed in dry climates, in Colburn, I.P., Abbott, P.L., and Minch, John, eds., Conglomerates in basin analysis: A symposium dedicated to A.O. Woodford
Yarnold, J.C., and Lombard, J.P., 1989, A facies model for large rock-avalanche deposits formed in dry climates, in Colburn, I.P., Abbott, P.L., and Minch, John, eds., Conglomerates in basin analysis: A symposium dedicated to A.O. Woodford: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section, v. 62, p. 9-31.
Rock-avalanche characteristics in dry climates and the effect of flow into lakes: Insights from mid-Tertiary sedimentary breccias near Artilley Peak, Arizona
Yarnold, J.C., 1993, Rock-avalanche characteristics in dry climates and the effect of flow into lakes: Insights from mid-Tertiary sedimentary breccias near Artilley Peak, Arizona: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 105, no. 3, p. 345-360.
Structural analysis of the Hurricane Fault in the transition zone between the Basin and Range Province and the Colorado Plateau, Washington County, Utah
Schramm, M.E., 1994, Structural analysis of the Hurricane Fault in the transition zone between the Basin and Range Province and the Colorado Plateau, Washington County, Utah: Las Vegas, University of Nevada, M.S. thesis, 90 p., 5 sheets, scale 1:12,000 and 1:50,000.
Subsidence at San Manuel copper mine, Arizona, in Titley, S.R., ed., Southern Arizona Guidebook III
Hatheway, A.W., 1968, Subsidence at San Manuel copper mine, Arizona, in Titley, S.R., ed., Southern Arizona Guidebook III: Arizona Geological Society, p. 113-124.
Preliminary geologic map of Tertiary sedimentary rocks in the northern Rawhide Mountains, Mohave County, Arizona
Yarnold, J.C., and McDaniel, B.J., 1992, Preliminary geologic map of Tertiary sedimentary rocks in the northern Rawhide Mountains, Mohave County, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Map CM-92-B, 1 sheet, scale 1:18,000.