Williams, G.A., 1955, Stratigraphic studies, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits - Semiannual progress report, December 1, 1954 to May 31, 1955: U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Trace Elements Investigation Report TEI-540, p. 56-65.
Sedimentary Structure
Keywords Group
Stratigraphic studies, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits - Semiannual progress report, December 1, 1954 to May 31, 1955
Monument Valley area, Ariz., quadrangle mapping, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits - Semiannual progress report, December 1, 1954 to May 31, 1955
Witkind, I.J., 1955, Monument Valley area, Ariz., quadrangle mapping, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits - Semiannual progress report, December 1, 1954 to May 31, 1955: U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Trace Elements Investigation Report TEI-540, p. 45, 46.
A preliminary report on the stratigraphy of the Morrison and related formations of the Colorado Plateau region
Craig, L.C., Holmes, C.N., Cadigan, R.A., Freeman, V.L., Mullens, T.E., and Weir, G.W., 1951, A preliminary report on the stratigraphy of the Morrison and related formations of the Colorado Plateau region: U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Trace Elements Investigation Report TEI-180, 64 p.
Experimental simulation of Plateau type uranium deposits
Bain, G.W., 1953, Experimental simulation of Plateau type uranium deposits: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RMO-44, 210 p.
Locating paleochannels as opposed to locating uranium orebodies in Shinarump exploration
Lowell, J.D., 1954, Locating paleochannels as opposed to locating uranium orebodies in Shinarump exploration: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report TM-63, 4 p.
Origin of the Chuska Sandstone, Arizona-New Mexico: A structural and petrographic study of a Tertiary eolian sediment
Wright, H.E., Jr., 1956, Origin of the Chuska Sandstone, Arizona-New Mexico: A structural and petrographic study of a Tertiary eolian sediment: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 4, p. 413-433.
Correlation of Jurassic eolian strata between the magmatic arc and the Colorado Plateau: New U-Pb geochronologic data from southern Arizona
Riggs, N.R., Mattinson, J.M., and Busby, C.J., 1993, Correlation of Jurassic eolian strata between the magmatic arc and the Colorado Plateau: New U-Pb geochronologic data from southern Arizona: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 105, no. 9, p. 1231-1246.
Tectonic setting of faulted Tertiary strata associated with the Catalina core complex in southern Arizona
Dickinson, W.R., 1991, Tectonic setting of faulted Tertiary strata associated with the Catalina core complex in southern Arizona: Geological Society of America Special Paper 264, 106 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:125,000.
Pliocene subaqueous fans and Gilbert-type deltas in maar crater lakes, Hopi Buttes, Navajo Nation (Arizona), USA
White, J.D.L., 1992, Pliocene subaqueous fans and Gilbert-type deltas in maar crater lakes, Hopi Buttes, Navajo Nation (Arizona), USA: Sedimentology, v. 39, no. 5, p. 931-946.
Depositional architecture of a maar-pitted playa: Sedimentation in the Hopi Buttes volcanic field, northeastern Arizona, U.S.A.
White, J.D.L., 1990, Depositional architecture of a maar-pitted playa: Sedimentation in the Hopi Buttes volcanic field, northeastern Arizona, U.S.A.: Sedimentary Geology, v. 67, nos. 1/2, p. 55-84.