Sergent, Hauskins, & Beckwith, 1984, City of Phoenix - Study of subsidence effects on sanitary sewers, northeast Phoenix, Arizona - Phase II: Field survey: Phoenix, Ariz., Sergent, Hauskins, & Beckwith, unpublished report, 2 v., 21 p., 3 appendices, 24 sheets, scales 1:7,200 and 1:7,800 [available for inspection at Arizona Geological Survey, 416 W. Congress, Suite 100, Tucson, Ariz.].
Keywords Group
City of Phoenix - Study of subsidence effects on sanitary sewers, northeast Phoenix, Arizona - Phase II: Field survey
Seismological notes - Phoenix, Arizona, September 15, 1927
Seismological Society of America, 1927, Seismological notes - Phoenix, Arizona, September 15, 1927: Seismological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 17, no. 3, p. 199.
Occurrence and prediction of earth-fissure hazards caused by ground-water depletion in south-central Arizona, U.S.A. [abs.], in Repogle, J.A., and Renard, K.G., eds., Water today and tomorrow, Specialty Conference, Irrigation and...
Schumann, H.H., Tosline, D.J., and Wrege, B.M., 1984, Occurrence and prediction of earth-fissure hazards caused by ground-water depletion in south-central Arizona, U.S.A. [abs.], in Repogle, J.A., and Renard, K.G., eds., Water today and tomorrow, Specialty Conference, Irrigation and Drainage Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Flagstaff, Ariz., July 24-26, 1984, Proceedings: American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 673.
Monitoring water-level change, aquifer compaction, and land subsidence along the Salt-Gila aqueduct in south-central Arizona [abs.], in Arizona Symposium on Subsidence, 2d, Phoenix, 1983, Proceedings
Schumann, H.H., Littin, G.R., and Wallace, B.L., 1983, Monitoring water-level change, aquifer compaction, and land subsidence along the Salt-Gila aqueduct in south-central Arizona [abs.], in Arizona Symposium on Subsidence, 2d, Phoenix, 1983, Proceedings: Arizona Consulting Engineers Association, [unpublished].
Occurrence and prediction of earth fissure hazards caused by ground-water depletion in south-central Pinal County, Arizona [abs.], in Arizona Symposium on Subsidence, 2nd, Phoenix, 1983, Proceedings
Schumann, H.H., and Tosline, D.J., 1983, Occurrence and prediction of earth fissure hazards caused by ground-water depletion in south-central Pinal County, Arizona [abs.], in Arizona Symposium on Subsidence, 2nd, Phoenix, 1983, Proceedings: Arizona Consulting Engineers Association, [unpublished].
Land subsidence, earth fissures and groundwater withdrawal in south-central Arizona, U.S.A., in Land subsidence: Proceedings of the Tokyo Symposium, September 1969, Volume 1
Schumann, H.H., and Poland, J.F., 1969, Land subsidence, earth fissures and groundwater withdrawal in south-central Arizona, U.S.A., in Land subsidence: Proceedings of the Tokyo Symposium, September 1969, Volume 1: International Association of Scientific Hydrology (IASH), and UNESCO Publication no. 88, p. 295-302.
Land subsidence and earth fissures in southern Pinal County, Arizona [abs.]
Schumann, H.H., and Littin, G.R., 1985, Land subsidence and earth fissures in southern Pinal County, Arizona [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 66, no. 46, p. 851.
Land subsidence, earth fissures, and water-level change in southern Arizona
Schumann, H.H., and Genualdi, R.B., 1986, Land subsidence, earth fissures, and water-level change in southern Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 86-14, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000.
Land subsidence, earth fissures, and water-level change in southern Arizona
Schumann, H.H., and Genualdi, R.B., 1986, Land subsidence, earth fissures, and water-level change in southern Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Map M-23, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
Land-subsidence measurements and aquifer-compaction monitoring in Tucson basin and Avra Valley, Arizona
Schumann, H.H., and Anderson, S.R., 1988, Land-subsidence measurements and aquifer-compaction monitoring in Tucson basin and Avra Valley, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4167, 15 p.