Richard, S.M., Reynolds, S.J., Spencer, J.E., and Pearthree, P.A., comps., 2000, Geologic Map of Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Map M-35, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
Keywords Group
Geologic Map of Arizona
Big Chino Valley groundwater study, Geologic framework investigations
Ostenaa, D.A., Schimschal, Ulrich, King, C.E., Jr., and Wright, J.W., 1993, Big Chino Valley groundwater study, Geologic framework investigations: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Seismotectonic Report no. 93-2, 2 v., 9 sheets, scale 1:24,000.
Ground-water resources of the Big Sandy Valley, Mohave County, Arizona
Morrison, R.B., 1940, Ground-water resources of the Big Sandy Valley, Mohave County, Arizona: Arizona Water Commissioner, 6 p.
Ground-water resources of Peeples Valley, Arizona
Babcock, H.M., and Brown, S.C., 1947, Ground-water resources of Peeples Valley, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report [unnumbered], [Tucson, Ariz., January 2, 1947], 13 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:58,500.
Interrelations between groundwater and surface water within the Buckeye Water Conservation and Drainage District, Maricopa County, Arizona
Halpenny, L.C., [n.d.], Interrelations between groundwater and surface water within the Buckeye Water Conservation and Drainage District, Maricopa County, Arizona: Water Development Corporation, 23 p., 9 sheets.
Hydrologic conditions in the Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge and Planet Valley, Arizona, 2000
Wilson, R.P., and Owen-Joyce, S.J., 2002, Hydrologic conditions in the Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge and Planet Valley, Arizona, 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4214, p. 1-11, 1 sheet.
Geologic influences on the hydrology of Lower Cienega Creek
Geologic maps and cross sections of selected areas in the Rawhide and Buckskin Mountains, La Paz and Mohave Counties, Arizona
Geologic map of the Northern Hualapai Mountains, Mohave County, Arizona
Geology of the Los Adobes Rancho area, Sonora, Mexico, and Santa Cruz County, Arizona