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Keywords Group
Outcrop and capping characteristics of the supergene sulfide enrichment at North Silver Bell, Pima County, Arizona, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera
A field guide to leached capping interpretation, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera
Gilmour, Paul, 1995, A field guide to leached capping interpretation, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera: Arizona Geological Society Digest 20, p. 169-179.
Processes and products of supergene copper enrichment, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera
Titley, S.R., and Marozas, D.C., 1995, Processes and products of supergene copper enrichment, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera: Arizona Geological Society Digest 20, p. 156-168.
Tributary debris fans and the late Holocene alluvial chronology of the Colorado River, eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona
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Origin and mode of copper enrichment in biotite from rocks associated with porphyry copper deposits: A transmission electron microscopy investigation
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Digital processing of back-scatter electron imagery: A microscopic approach to quantifying chemical weathering
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Summary of the mineralogy of the Colorado Plateau uranium ores
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First paleoenvironmental interpretation of a pre-Quaternary rock-varnish site, Davidson Canyon, southern Arizona
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Cretaceous-Eocene (Laramide) landscape development and Oligocene-Pliocene drainage reorganization of Transition Zone and Colorado Plateau, Arizona
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Radiometric and petrochemical characteristics of the Dells Granite, Yavapai County, in Spencer, J.E., ed., Radon in Arizona
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