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Mafic and ultramafic inclusions, Crater 160, San Francisco volcanic field, Arizona
A megacryst-bearing alkali basalt, San Carlos, Arizona [abs.]
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Amphibole-bearing cumulate inclusions, Grand Canyon, Arizona and their bearing on silica-undersaturated hydrous magmas in the upper mantle
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Contrasting types of chromium-spinel peridotite xenoliths in basanitic lavas, western Grand Canyon, Arizona
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Mantle-derived amphibole within inclusions in alkalic-basaltic lavas
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Kaersutite-peridotite inclusions and kindred megacrysts in basanitic lavas, Grand Canyon, Arizona
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Trace elements and Sr-isotopes in some mantle-derived hydrous minerals and their significance
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An olivine-nodule basalt and other recent lavas from Rice, Arizona
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Geology of the western half of Phoenix South Mountain Park, Arizona
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