U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1927-33, Mineral resources of the United States [annual volumes for the years 1924-31]: Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office.
Keywords Group
Mineral resources of the United States [annual volumes for the years 1924-31]
Fifty years of mining in the State of Arizona, 1912-1962
Tuck, F.J., 1962, Fifty years of mining in the State of Arizona, 1912-1962: Arizona Department of Mineral Resources, 11 p.
History of mining in Arizona
Tuck, F.J., 1955, History of mining in Arizona: Arizona Department of Mineral Resources, 40 p.
Laramide mineral deposits in Arizona, in Jenney, J.P., and Reynolds, S.J., eds., Geologic evolution of Arizona
Titley, S.R., and Anthony, E.Y., 1989, Laramide mineral deposits in Arizona, in Jenney, J.P., and Reynolds, S.J., eds., Geologic evolution of Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 17, p. 485-514.
Geology and ore deposits of the Tascuela area, Sierrita Mountains, Pima County, Arizona
Thomas, J.A., 1966, Geology and ore deposits of the Tascuela area, Sierrita Mountains, Pima County, Arizona: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Ph.D. dissertation, 371 p.
Ore deposits of the Wallapai district, Arizona
Thomas, B.E., 1949, Ore deposits of the Wallapai district, Arizona: Economic Geology, v. 44, no. 8, p. 663-705.
Geology and ore deposits of the Wallapai district, Mohave County, Arizona
Thomas, B.E., 1949, Geology and ore deposits of the Wallapai district, Mohave County, Arizona: Pasadena, California Institute of Technology, Ph.D. dissertation, 187 p.
Economic geological reconnaissance of the Casa Grande mining district, Pinal County, Arizona
Tenney, J.B., 1934, Economic geological reconnaissance of the Casa Grande mining district, Pinal County, Arizona: Casa Grande, Ariz., Chamber of Commerce, unpublished report, 24 p. [available for inspection at Arizona Geological Survey, 416 W. Congress, Suite 100, Tucson, Ariz.].
Second report on the mineral industries of Arizona
Tenney, J.B., 1930, Second report on the mineral industries of Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin no. 129, 108 p.
The mineral industries of Arizona
Tenney, J.B., 1928, The mineral industries of Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin no. 125, 135 p.