May, R.T., White, D.L., and Nystrom, R.J., 1979, Uranium resource evaluation, Prescott quadrangle, Arizona: U.S. Department of Energy Preliminary Report PGJ-006, 235 p., 26 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Aubrey Peak area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Uranium resource evaluation, Prescott quadrangle, Arizona
Report on SOM investigations in Arizona (except the Plateau province area)
Hill, J.M., 1946, Report on SOM investigations in Arizona (except the Plateau province area): U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RMO-26, 98 p., 20 sheets, various scales.
Stratigraphic section of the Castaneda Hills-Signal area, Arizona, in Sherrod, D.R., and Nielson, J.E., eds., Tertiary stratigraphy of highly extended terranes, California, Arizona, and Nevada
Lucchitta, Ivo, and Suneson, N.H., 1993, Stratigraphic section of the Castaneda Hills-Signal area, Arizona, in Sherrod, D.R., and Nielson, J.E., eds., Tertiary stratigraphy of highly extended terranes, California, Arizona, and Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2053, p. 139-144.
Introduction to the area south of I-40 and north of I-10, Calif. and Ariz., in Sherrod, D.R., and Nielson, J.E., eds., Tertiary stratigraphy of highly extended terranes, California, Arizona, and Nevada
Nielson, J.E., Howard, K.A., and Glazner, A.F., 1993, Introduction to the area south of I-40 and north of I-10, Calif. and Ariz., in Sherrod, D.R., and Nielson, J.E., eds., Tertiary stratigraphy of highly extended terranes, California, Arizona, and Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2053, p. 87-93.
Tertiary stratigraphy of highly extended terranes, California, Arizona, and Nevada
Sherrod, D.R., and Nielson, J.E., eds., 1993, Tertiary stratigraphy of highly extended terranes, California, Arizona, and Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2053, 250 p., 3 sheets.
Regional gravity studies in southeastern California, western Arizona, and southern Nevada
Mickus, K.L., and James, W.C., 1991, Regional gravity studies in southeastern California, western Arizona, and southern Nevada: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 96, no. B7, p. 12,333-12,350.
Seismicity evaluation for Parker Dam, Arizona - California, in Anderson, L.W., and O'Connell, D.R., Seismotectonic study of the northern portion of the Lower Colorado River, Arizona, California, and Nevada; For Hoover Dam - Boulder...
Wong, I.G., Unruh, J.R., Wright, D.H., and Lettis, W.R., 1993, Seismicity evaluation for Parker Dam, Arizona - California, in Anderson, L.W., and O'Connell, D.R., Seismotectonic study of the northern portion of the Lower Colorado River, Arizona, California, and Nevada; For Hoover Dam - Boulder Canyon Project, Davis and Parker Dams - Parker-Davis Project, Palo Verde Diversion Dam - Palo Verde Diversion Project, and Headgate Rock Dam - Bureau of Indian Affairs: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Seismotectonic Report no. 93-4, Appendix A, 73 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:338,000.
Geologic map of the Castaneda Hills quadrangle, Mohave County, Arizona
Lucchitta, Ivo, and Suneson, N.H., 1994, Geologic map of the Castaneda Hills quadrangle, Mohave County, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1720, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Geologic map of the Centennial Wash quadrangle, Mohave and La Paz Counties, Arizona
Lucchitta, Ivo, and Suneson, N.H., 1994, Geologic map of the Centennial Wash quadrangle, Mohave and La Paz Counties, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1718, 7 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Tertiary extension in west-central Arizona
Spencer, J.E., 1992, Tertiary extension in west-central Arizona: Arizona Geology [Arizona Geological Survey], v. 22, no. 1, p. 8-10.