Fisk, G.G., Duet, N.R., McGuire, E.H., Roberts, W.P., Castillo, N.K.,and Smith, C.F., 2006, Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2005: U. S. Geological Survey Water Resources Data AZ-05-01, 347p.
Buckeye Hills
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2005
Water-quality assessment of the central Arizona basins, Arizona and northern Mexico - Environmental setting and overview of water quality
Cordy, G.E., Rees, J.A., Edmonds, R.J., Gebler, J.B., Wirt, Laurie, Gellenbeck, D.J., and Anning, D.W., 1998, Water-quality assessment of the central Arizona basins, Arizona and northern Mexico - Environmental setting and overview of water quality: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4097, 72 p.
Flood damage report 28 February-6 March 1978 on the storm and floods in Maricopa County, Arizona
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, 1979, Flood damage report 28 February-6 March 1978 on the storm and floods in Maricopa County, Arizona: Los Angeles, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 75 p.
Present and future water use and its effect on planning in Maricopa County, Arizona
Thiele, H.J., 1965, Present and future water use and its effect on planning in Maricopa County, Arizona: Phoenix, Ariz., Maricopa County Planning and Zoning Commission-Department, 60 p. [available for inspection at Tucson, University of Arizona Library, Special Collections].
Compilation of flood data for Maricopa County, Arizona through September 1965
Werho, L.L., 1965, Compilation of flood data for Maricopa County, Arizona through September 1965: Arizona State Land Department Water Resources Report no. 31, 36 p.
Development of groundwater models of alluvial basins in south-central Arizona, in Arizona Water Symposium, 23rd and 24th annual, Phoenix, September 27, 1979, and September 24, 1980, Proceedings
Anderson, T.W., 1979, Development of groundwater models of alluvial basins in south-central Arizona, in Arizona Water Symposium, 23rd and 24th annual, Phoenix, September 27, 1979, and September 24, 1980, Proceedings: Arizona Department of Water Resources Report no. 2, p. 13-17.
Surface water supply of the United States, 1938, Part IX. Colorado River Basin
Grover, N.C., 1939, Surface water supply of the United States, 1938, Part IX. Colorado River Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 859, 285 p.
Predevelopment hydrologic conditions in the alluvial basins of Arizona and adjacent parts of California and New Mexico
Freethey, G.W., and Anderson, T.W., 1986, Predevelopment hydrologic conditions in the alluvial basins of Arizona and adjacent parts of California and New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-664, 3 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
Drainage map of Arizona showing perennial streams of some important wetlands
Brown, D.E., Carmony, N.B., and Turner, R.M., comps., 1981, Drainage map of Arizona showing perennial streams of some important wetlands: Arizona Game and Fish Department, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
Maps showing groundwater conditions in the West Salt River, East Salt River, Lake Pleasant, Carefree and Fountain Hills Sub-basins of the Phoenix Active Management Area, Maricopa, Pinal, and Yavapai Counties, Arizona - 1983
Reeter, R.W., and Remick, W.H., 1986, Maps showing groundwater conditions in the West Salt River, East Salt River, Lake Pleasant, Carefree and Fountain Hills Sub-basins of the Phoenix Active Management Area, Maricopa, Pinal, and Yavapai Counties, Arizona - 1983: Arizona Department of Water Resources Hydrologic Map Series Report no. 12, 3 sheets, scale 1:125,000.