Wong, I.G., Unruh, J.R., Wright, D.H., and Lettis, W.R., 1993, Seismicity evaluation for Parker Dam, Arizona - California, in Anderson, L.W., and O'Connell, D.R., Seismotectonic study of the northern portion of the Lower Colorado River, Arizona, California, and Nevada; For Hoover Dam - Boulder Canyon Project, Davis and Parker Dams - Parker-Davis Project, Palo Verde Diversion Dam - Palo Verde Diversion Project, and Headgate Rock Dam - Bureau of Indian Affairs: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Seismotectonic Report no. 93-4, Appendix A, 73 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:338,000.
Cibola Valley
Placename Counties
Placename IsPartOf
Placename Label
Seismicity evaluation for Parker Dam, Arizona - California, in Anderson, L.W., and O'Connell, D.R., Seismotectonic study of the northern portion of the Lower Colorado River, Arizona, California, and Nevada; For Hoover Dam - Boulder...
Origin and chemistry of ground water along the Colorado River in Arizona, Nevada, and California [abs.]
Robertson, F.N., 1986, Origin and chemistry of ground water along the Colorado River in Arizona, Nevada, and California [abs.]: Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, Journal, v. 21, Proceedings Supplement, p. 56.
Technical aspects of Arizona groundwater law, in Anderson, T.W., and Johnson, A.I., eds., Regional aquifer systems of the United States - Southwest alluvial basins of Arizona
Briggs, P.C., and Nemecek, E.A., 1986, Technical aspects of Arizona groundwater law, in Anderson, T.W., and Johnson, A.I., eds., Regional aquifer systems of the United States - Southwest alluvial basins of Arizona: Bethesda, Md., American Water Resources Association Monograph Series no. 7, p. 93-98.
Regional aquifer systems of the United States - Southwest alluvial basins of Arizona
Anderson, T.W., and Johnson, A.I., eds., 1986, Regional aquifer systems of the United States - Southwest alluvial basins of Arizona: Bethesda, Md., American Water Resources Association Monograph Series no. 7, 116 p.
A resume of the geology of Arizona
Wilson, E.D., 1962, A resume of the geology of Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin 171, 140 p. [reprinted 1976].
Geologic map of Yuma County, Arizona
Wilson, E.D., 1960, Geologic map of Yuma County, Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines, 1 sheet, scale 1:375,000 [includes La Paz County; now available as Arizona Geological Survey Map M-3-11].
Land use and land cover and associated maps for Salton Sea, California, Arizona
U.S. Geological Survey, 1980, Land use and land cover and associated maps for Salton Sea, California, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-0857, 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
1974 water resources data for Arizona - Part 2. Water quality records
U.S. Geological Survey, 1974, 1974 water resources data for Arizona - Part 2. Water quality records: U.S. Geological Survey, 192 p. [NTIS PB-287 171].
1973 water resources data for Arizona - Part 2. Water quality records
U.S. Geological Survey, 1973, 1973 water resources data for Arizona - Part 2. Water quality records: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Data Report, 188 p. [NTIS PB-287 169].
1972 water resources data for Arizona - Part 2. Water quality records
U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, 1972 water resources data for Arizona - Part 2. Water quality records: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Data Report, 166 p. [NTIS PB-287 167].