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Cibola Valley
Placename Counties
Placename IsPartOf
Placename Label
Report and interpretations for the general soil map of Yuma County, Arizona
Arizona gold placers and placering (Fourth edition, reprinted 1937)
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Control of Colorado River as related to the protection of Imperial Valley
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Recent valley deposits in southern Arizona, in Smiley, T.L., Nations, J.D., Pewe, T.L., and Schafer, J.P., eds., Landscapes of Arizona - The geological story
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Anastomising shear zones--A geometric explanation for mid-Tertiary crustal extension in the detachment terrane of the Colorado River region, CA, AZ, and NV [abs.]
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Data on irrigated areas, stream flow, use of water, etc., in the United States and Mexico, Colorado River basin
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Report of inspection trip over Colorado River levee systems below Yuma, Ariz., September 17, 18, and 19, 1929
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Progress report of special Colorado River investigations
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