McClure, F.G., 1915-16, Gold placers of Arizona - Second edition: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin no. 10, 14 p.
Congress Basin
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Gold placers of Arizona - Second edition
Engineering report on drilling in the western Prescott and Williams quadrangles, Arizona
McCaslin, J.L., 1980, Engineering report on drilling in the western Prescott and Williams quadrangles, Arizona: U.S. Department of Energy Report GJBX-86(80), 68 p., 10 microfiche.
National Uranium Resource Evaluation, Prescott quadrangle, Arizona
May, R.T., White, D.L., and Nystrom, R.J., 1982, National Uranium Resource Evaluation, Prescott quadrangle, Arizona: U.S. Department of Energy Report GJQ-015(82), 62 p., 10 microfiche, 35 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Cenozoic vertebrate localities and faunas in Arizona
Lindsay, E.H., and Tessman, N.T., 1974, Cenozoic vertebrate localities and faunas in Arizona: Arizona Academy of Science, Journal, v. 9, no. 1, p. 3-24.
Summary geologic report on drilling in western Prescott and Williams quadrangles, Mohave, Yavapai, and Yuma Counties, Arizona
Lease, L.W., 1981, Summary geologic report on drilling in western Prescott and Williams quadrangles, Mohave, Yavapai, and Yuma Counties, Arizona: U.S. Department of Energy Report GJBX-293(81), 82 p., 9 microfiche, 2 sheets.
Principal gold-producing districts of the United States
Koschmann, A.H., and Bergendahl, M.H., 1968, Principal gold-producing districts of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 610, 283 p.
Well location map, Yavapai County, Arizona
Koester, E.A., and Conley, J.N., 1973, Well location map, Yavapai County, Arizona: Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, County Well Location Map 5, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000 [superseded by Koester, E.A., Conley, J.N., and Rauzi, S.L., 1995, Arizona Geological Survey Oil and Gas Publication OG-7].
Placer gold deposits in the southwest
Johnson, M.G., 1974, Placer gold deposits in the southwest: Mining Engineering, v. 26, no. 3, p. 20-23.
Placer gold deposits of Arizona
Johnson, M.G., 1972, Placer gold deposits of Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1355, 103 p., 1 sheet.
Reconnaissance of iron resources in Arizona
Harrer, C.M., 1964, Reconnaissance of iron resources in Arizona: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular I.C. 8236, 204 p.