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Granite Mtn. area(MA)
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Nitrogen limitation potential of Arizona streams and rivers
Winter cloud seeding potential on the Mogollon Rim, Final report, Volume III, Appendix B: Estimation of winter precipitation on the Mogollon Rim with a simple local-scale model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under...
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1995, Winter cloud seeding potential on the Mogollon Rim, Final report, Volume III, Appendix B: Estimation of winter precipitation on the Mogollon Rim with a simple local-scale model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-0-AG-30-08290: Denver, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report R-95-11, 15 p. [available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 22161, as PB96-106968].
Modeling winter storms over Arizona, Final report, Volume II, Appendix A: Users guide for the Arizona airflow and microphysics model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-0-AG-30-08290
Matthews, D.A., 1995, Modeling winter storms over Arizona, Final report, Volume II, Appendix A: Users guide for the Arizona airflow and microphysics model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-0-AG-30-08290: Denver, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report R-95-11, 80 p. [available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 22161, as PB96-106745].
Flood damage report 28 February-6 March 1978 on the storm and floods in Maricopa County, Arizona
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, 1979, Flood damage report 28 February-6 March 1978 on the storm and floods in Maricopa County, Arizona: Los Angeles, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 75 p.
Perpetual succession of stream-channel vegetation in a semiarid region
Campbell, C.J., and Green, Win, 1968, Perpetual succession of stream-channel vegetation in a semiarid region: Arizona Academy of Science, Journal, v. 5, no. 2, p. 86-98.
Water yield improvement by vegetation management: focus on Arizona
Ffolliott, P.F., and Thorud, D.B., 1975, Water yield improvement by vegetation management: focus on Arizona: National Technical Information Service, PB-246055, 1,094 p. [microfiche].
Use of runoff forecasting in reservoir operations
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Present and future water use and its effect on planning in Maricopa County, Arizona
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Possible effects of vegetation conversion on runoff and sediment yield, Sycamore Creek watersheds, Maricopa County, Arizona - Calibration period analysis
Hjalmarson, H.W., 1975, Possible effects of vegetation conversion on runoff and sediment yield, Sycamore Creek watersheds, Maricopa County, Arizona - Calibration period analysis: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-0425, 77 p.
Water salvage possibilities on Sycamore Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona, in Water conservation from mountains to desert, Arizona Watershed Symposium, 7th Annual Meeting, Phoenix, September 18, 1963, Proceedings
Thomsen, B.W., and Dennis, P.E., 1963, Water salvage possibilities on Sycamore Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona, in Water conservation from mountains to desert, Arizona Watershed Symposium, 7th Annual Meeting, Phoenix, September 18, 1963, Proceedings: Arizona Water Resources Committee and Arizona State Land Department, Watershed Management Division, p. 16-18.