Agenbroad, L.D., and Mead, J.I., 1995, Quaternary geochronology and distribution of Mammuthus on the Colorado Plateau, in Boaz, Debra, and others, eds., Proceedings of the Third Annual Fossils of Arizona Symposium, November 18, 1995: Mesa, Ariz., Mesa Southwest Museum, and Southwest Paleontological Society, p. 105-111 [reprinted from Geology, v. 17, no. 9, p. 861-864].
Gray Mtn.
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Quaternary geochronology and distribution of Mammuthus on the Colorado Plateau, in Boaz, Debra, and others, eds., Proceedings of the Third Annual Fossils of Arizona Symposium, November 18, 1995
Paleomagnetic Euler poles and the apparent polar wander and absolute motion of North America since the Carboniferous
Gordon, R.G., Cox, Allan, and O'Hare, Scott, 1984, Paleomagnetic Euler poles and the apparent polar wander and absolute motion of North America since the Carboniferous: Tectonics, v. 3, no. 5, p. 499-537.
Map showing ground-water conditions in the San Francisco Peaks area, Coconino and Navajo Counties, Arizona - 1979
Appel, C.L., and Bills, D.L., 1981, Map showing ground-water conditions in the San Francisco Peaks area, Coconino and Navajo Counties, Arizona - 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Open-File Report 81-0914, 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
Shallow subsurface temperatures and some estimates of heat flow from the Colorado Plateau of northeastern Arizona
Sass, J.H., Stone, Claudia, and Bills, D.J., 1982, Shallow subsurface temperatures and some estimates of heat flow from the Colorado Plateau of northeastern Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-0994, 112 p.
Rotation of the Colorado Plateau: An updated analysis of paleomagnetic poles
Bryan, Phillip, and Gordon, R.G., 1990, Rotation of the Colorado Plateau: An updated analysis of paleomagnetic poles: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 17, no. 10, p. 1501-1504.
Quaternary geochronology and distribution of Mammuthus on the Colorado Plateau
Agenbroad, L.D., and Mead, J.I., 1989, Quaternary geochronology and distribution of Mammuthus on the Colorado Plateau: Geology, v. 17, no. 9, p. 861-864.
Second day - Road log from Cameron Trading Post, Arizona to Cedar City Utah, via Desert View, Page, Kanab and Long Valley Junction, in Smith, C.T., ed., Guidebook to Four Corners, Colorado Plateau, Central Rocky Mountain Region, 1970
Smith, C.T., Miller, P.T., and Cooper, L.C., 1970, Second day - Road log from Cameron Trading Post, Arizona to Cedar City Utah, via Desert View, Page, Kanab and Long Valley Junction, in Smith, C.T., ed., Guidebook to Four Corners, Colorado Plateau, Central Rocky Mountain Region, 1970: National Association of Geology Teachers, Southwest Section, p. 94-106.
First day - Road log from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Cameron Trading Post, Arizona via the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservations, in Smith, C.T., ed., Guidebook to Four Corners, Colorado Plateau, Central Rocky Mountain Region, 1970
Smith, C.T., 1970, First day - Road log from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Cameron Trading Post, Arizona via the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservations, in Smith, C.T., ed., Guidebook to Four Corners, Colorado Plateau, Central Rocky Mountain Region, 1970: National Association of Geology Teachers, Southwest Section, p. 62-78.
First day - Road log from Tempe to Grand Canyon, Arizona via Interstate 17, Sedona, Flagstaff, Sunset Crater, and Desert View, in Smith, C.T., ed., Guidebook to Four Corners, Colorado Plateau, Central Rocky Mountain Region, 1970
Miller, P.T., 1970, First day - Road log from Tempe to Grand Canyon, Arizona via Interstate 17, Sedona, Flagstaff, Sunset Crater, and Desert View, in Smith, C.T., ed., Guidebook to Four Corners, Colorado Plateau, Central Rocky Mountain Region, 1970: National Association of Geology Teachers, Southwest Section, p. 53-61.
Primary report of reconnaissance in the Cameron area, Arizona
Williams, F.J., and Barrett, D.C., 1953, Primary report of reconnaissance in the Cameron area, Arizona: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RME-2002, 12 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:125,000.