High Life Helicopters, Inc. / QEB, Inc., 1983, Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Cameron A & B, Arizona - Final report, Detail area, Volumes I, IIA, and IIB: U.S. Department of Energy Report GJBX-25(83), 52 microfiche, scale 1:62,500.
Gray Mtn.
Placename Counties
Placename IsPartOf
Placename Label
Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Cameron A & B, Arizona - Final report, Detail area, Volumes I, IIA, and IIB
An integration of geophysical and Landsat data - Northeastern Arizona
Gutman, S.I., and Heckmann, G.A., 1977, An integration of geophysical and Landsat data - Northeastern Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Oil and Gas Publication OG-22, 7 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
Map of locations of collapse-breccia pipes in the Grand Canyon region of Arizona
Sutphin, H.B., and Wenrich, K.J., 1989, Map of locations of collapse-breccia pipes in the Grand Canyon region of Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-0550, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Geology and production history of the uranium ore deposits in the Cameron area, Coconino County, Arizona
Chenoweth, W.L., 1993, Geology and production history of the uranium ore deposits in the Cameron area, Coconino County, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Report CR-93-B, 30 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500.
Structural geology of northwestern Gray Mountain, Coconino County, Arizona
Doty, R.L., 1982, Structural geology of northwestern Gray Mountain, Coconino County, Arizona: Flagstaff, Northern Arizona University, M.S. thesis, 120 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:16,000.
Primary report of reconnaissance in the Cameron area, Arizona
Williams, F.J., and Barrett, D.C., 1953, Primary report of reconnaissance in the Cameron area, Arizona: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RME-4002, 11 p.
Uranium Resource Evaluation, Flagstaff quadrangle, Arizona
Wenrich-Verbeek, K.J., Spirakis, C.S., Billingsley, G.H., Hereford, R., Nealey, L.D., Ulrich, G.E., Verbeek, E.R., and Wolfe, E.W., 1980, Uranium Resource Evaluation, Flagstaff quadrangle, Arizona: U.S. Department of Energy Preliminary Report PGJ-014(80), 483 p.
National Uranium Resource Evaluation; Flagstaff quadrangle, Arizona
Wenrich-Verbeek, K.J., Spirakis, C.S., and others, 1982, National Uranium Resource Evaluation; Flagstaff quadrangle, Arizona: U.S. Department of Energy Report PGJ/F-014(82), 59 p.
Hematite authigenesis in the Moenkopi Formation (Triassic age), Colorado Plateau, a contribution to the origin of magnetism in red beds [abs.]
Walker, T.R., and Larson, E.E., 1976, Hematite authigenesis in the Moenkopi Formation (Triassic age), Colorado Plateau, a contribution to the origin of magnetism in red beds [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 6, p. 1158.
Fracture pattern of the southern Marble and eastern Coconino Plateaus, north-central Arizona [abs.]
Verbeek, E.R., 1986, Fracture pattern of the southern Marble and eastern Coconino Plateaus, north-central Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 5, p. 419-420.