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Hopi Buttes
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Tertiary igneous rocks of the Navajo country, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, in James, H.L., ed., Guidebook of Monument Valley and vicinity, Arizona and Utah
Maps showing ground-water conditions in the Hopi area, Coconino and Navajo Counties, Arizona, 1977
Farrar, C.D., 1980, Maps showing ground-water conditions in the Hopi area, Coconino and Navajo Counties, Arizona, 1977: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Open-File Report 80-0003, 4 sheets, scale 1:63,360.
The Horseshoe and other diatremes of the Hopi Buttes volcanic field, northeast Arizona
Fair, C.L., 1956, The Horseshoe and other diatremes of the Hopi Buttes volcanic field, northeast Arizona: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report TM-96, 31 p.
Potassium-argon dates and the Cenozoic mammalian chronology of North America
Evernden, J.F., Savage, D.E., Curtis, G.H., and James, G.T., 1964, Potassium-argon dates and the Cenozoic mammalian chronology of North America: American Journal of Science, v. 262, no. 2, p. 145-198.
Geology and mineral leasing and mining of the Navajo Indian Reservation, 1920-1946 - Docket numbers 69 and 299 (Copper, vanadium, uranium, sand, and gravel claims), United States Claims Court, for United States Department of Justice
De Voto, R.H., and Huber, G.C., 1982, Geology and mineral leasing and mining of the Navajo Indian Reservation, 1920-1946 - Docket numbers 69 and 299 (Copper, vanadium, uranium, sand, and gravel claims), United States Claims Court, for United States Department of Justice: Golden, Colo., Canyon Resources Corporation, 188 p. [unpublished report prepared for the U.S. Department of Justice available for inspection at Arizona Geological Survey, 416 W. Congress, Suite 100, Tucson, Ariz.].
A reconnaissance of parts of northwestern New Mexico and northern Arizona
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Regional hydrogeology of the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservations, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, with a section on Vegetation, by O.N. Hicks
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Ancient erosional cycles of the Little Colorado River, Arizona and New Mexico
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Geohydrologic data in the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservations, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, Part 3, Selected lithologic logs, drillers' logs, and stratigraphic sections
Cooley, M.E., Akers, J.P., and Stevens, P.R., 1964, Geohydrologic data in the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservations, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, Part 3, Selected lithologic logs, drillers' logs, and stratigraphic sections: Arizona Land Department Water Resources Report 12-C, 157 p.